Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. i .. An Expofition upon the Book o NO t?. \lerf. 13 . 61'7 a dminiftratiors , then after that fuller breaking forth and ap- pearance of the grace of God bringing falvation under the Gof pel ; fo we may underffand that of the Apoffle ( Ram. S. 15. ) Te havenot received thefpirit of bondage to fear again. Pani (ac- cording to this interpretation) fpeaks not of a peron , but of the whole ftate of the Church ; giving the fenfe thus , ye .have not received the fpirit of bondage ro fear, ye are under the Gol- pel ; the fpirit of bondage was that which properly belonged to the times of the Law ; whenlittle of Gofpel light appeared , _Are Cln.r- fear and terrour held the people of God in bondage. But thisfa um eras is the time, of grace , the day of love , thedayofshedding the ,sf,,,)Agx e love of God abroad in our hearts by the holy Ghoft , therefore 6y e6Pe ° be ofgoodchear, live like freemen and like Eons , not like bond- men or fervants. Fifthly , he praies hide me till thy wrath be paff ; yob was fenfible of wrath , but he knew affuredly that it was not abidir wrath. Hence Obferve. The wrath of God to his own people, is nod an everlafiinr wrath. The wrath of God againfi wicked men is an everlafting wrath , they cannot be hid till the wrathofGodbe overpaft , for it will never paffe, (Yoh. 3. 36.) He that beleeveth not the Son,. ¡hall notfee life , but thewrath ofGod abideth upon him , and íhall"abide to all Eternity. The appearings of wrath are terri- ble, but who can abide the abidings of wrath ? who may abide the day of his coming ? And who¡hallfand when he appeareth ? For he is like aRefiners fire, (Mal. 3. z.) Wicked men cannot abide thecoming of Chrifl, when he is but like refining fire to purge out their drofs, how then will theyabide the day of his coming, when he is like confuming fire, to devour both them and their Drofs ? Sixthly, yob was under grievouspains, a cup of forrow was put to his mouth, yet he moves not fo much to have the Cup of forrow pafs from him, as to have the wrath of God pafs from him. Hence Obferve, A good heart is more fenfible of Divine difpleafure, then of out, 'yard pain. He fears the appearance of wrath more then the feeling of i k k k finart,