Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

61$ Chap. i4. An` Expofstion upon the Bookof Jo,B. .Verfe Y 3. fmart. It is a work of grace to be afraid of, the anger of God, and it provokes him as muchwhen his wrath, as when his love is flighted. Many tremble at the corre'lions of God; but there are fewwho tremble at the anger of God. The holy Prophet ( ter. 10. 24.) feems to invite correction, fo he might be free from anger, Correll me OLord, but not in thine anger ; Let me fee thou loveft me, and then finite me if thou wilt : anger fmarts worfe then any rod upon the foul ofa beleever ; but ' tis the Patet hint rod ofGod, not the wrath ofGod which makes an unbeleever tam "acerbum fiu artLet therebe no more mighty hail land thunder, take away effe omnibus this death, faith a' Pharaoh take away thy difpleafure, let thy elf Dei fen- wrath paffe, faith a °ob, a David, yet at laff the wrath of God fain ur nihil will be more painful then pain, more deadly then death it feif , fit podho- to a Pharaohs, wrath will burn hotter then fire in hell for ever- more. mines non Laftl See Yobs temper heare, he trembled at the wrathof perferrema- God and was : we read him full of faith and confi- lint. Merl. dente, ( chap. 13. i6, 81.) I know I fball be juflifaed, andhe alto (ball be my falvation; there he ftoòd in the light of the favour ,of God, here he is cloudedwith fear, and compaffedabout with darkneffe. Hence Obferve That the beg of beleevcrs do not alwaies retain the fame degree, and evidence ofholyfaith. There eftate is alwaies fare, but their efface is not alwaies clear : their condition is the fame, but their apprehenfions a__ bout it vary; Now they overflow with joy ,becaufe they fee the pleating face of God, foon after they are filled with fear, and would be hidden from his wrath, O that thou wouldeft hide me till thy wrathbepad, that'shis firlt with. TThat thou wilt appoint mealet time. Pct r!7 r"U72'1 This is his fecund with. conflituas mi But for what.? or towhat purpofe would he havea fey time ? hi legem tut Times relate to,things or actions. As to every purpofe there is a preceptum, time let (Eccl. 3. j,) fo, to fet a time fupipofeth a purpofe for it fgatatum.i.e. What was yobs purpofe for which he thus earnefily deliires a certurn a time might be fet. præfinitum We may very clearly referre it to the, with foregoing, O that terminum thouwauldeft hide me in thegrave.; As ifhe had laid, as I beg to Vac. go