Chap. i4. flnExpofztion upon the BookofJoQ. t'erf. r3. 619 go toBed in the Grave, fo I beg of thee to appoint'me a fet time when I that] go to that defired and longed for Bed of the Grave, O that thou wouldeft appoint me a time. The word which we Tranflate let time, fignifies properly a Statute, a Law, or Ordinance : There is a double Law, a Law of Things, and a LawofTimes, and the Word bears both, there- fore we tanflatewell, O that thou upouldefi appoint me a Jet time, or a Law concerning the time ; But dares fob ask God a lfct time ? God fets us a time, but may we delre God to fet us a time? The Jews were4proved for this by Moles, (Pfal.78.47,) They limitted the holy Se of Ifrael, theyput him to a time, or let him a day, bywhich if he did not help them, they did not be- lievehe could help them. It is infufferable prefumption to fet God a time : And it wants not danger to move God to fet us Sciarnss hze a time. All the a±ings of Yob in this {late are not warrantable ci4 mharhat Manyof them are not for our Imitation, but Caution : fob ex- p preffeth a troubled fpirit while he Prays for an abatement of vzmalitobuzu his trouble This Prayer was not the breathing of his grace, but dicere nee the breaking forthof his forrow : He wouldbe in the Grave, he Certe nec would have a fet time , he muff have things brought to an quicquarn Iífue , In all this we fee not a rule for Prayer, but an errour of hzncp0Jre Paffion. colligi, nifi Hence Note, quad levotza- That extremity of painmay put agood man upon unadvifed Peti- nem mali bons. quoquo modo A diflreffed Soul often makes diftraaed Prayers, and delires poflulat. more that his own will, then that the will of God maybe done. Merc. TheWill of God, his Wordof Command, or his Wordof Pro- Non eft quad mife are our Rule and Warrant what to ask. They ask betides all h ecquis ac- the Rules which God bath fet who ask a let time. Hence take curatiwad two Deductions. legitima ar.í- Firft, That it is the foie priviledg of God to fet and appoint tzonis leg" times. exigat,Merl As God bath appointed to men the bounds of their Habita- tion, So alfohe hath determined the times, (Alts 17.26.) And as he hath fet the times of Nations and People in general, fo of fin- gular Perlons, My times are in thy hand (faith David, Pfal.3 i. i 5.) That is, thou haft the difpofe of then : While he faith my times, hedoth not fpeak himfelf the Mailer, but the Servant of time. Again, My times are in thy hand, that is, all my times I referee itkkk 2 none