Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

óao Chap. t4.. An Expofition upon the Bookof Jos. Verfe i 3 none of them in myown hand : My times of trouble and my times of comfort, my timesof joy andmy times of forrow, my times of honour and my times of reproach, when I (hall fall in- to afll ic`fion, andwhen I (hall bedeliveredout ofaf(íi Lion, how long I (hall live and when T (hall die, all thefe times ar ,in thy hand. Nor did David at all defire tohave his times oi!`any part of his times out of Gods hand ; And as it is our duty to leave our times inGods hand, fo it is our comfort that they are in fo good, in fo wifea Hand : We fhould not only be content but rejoyce that our times are there. Mast -is not wife enough to ufe the times which God fets him, much lefs is he Wife enough to fet his own times. Secondly Note, It is our duty to refer all the Circumfhances of our Petitions to the, #t7; dom of God. We maybe Suiters to Godbut we muff riot be his Counfellers, nor our own Carvers when or where, how much or by what means we wouldhave the Mercies which we ask for. 7o6 fpake well in one refpec`l, though he would have a fet time, yet he tooknot upon him to fet the time. It was his failing to delire a fet time, but it hadbeen a great fin for him to fet the time. Man muff esppe&a Law from God, he muff not give himfelf a Law, much lefs mayhe give the Law to God, o that thou word- deft appoint me afet time. And thatthouwouldef remember me. .et confll:itu- This is his 3ddefire ; he would be remembredl : Some joyn thefe ur mihi tern- two latter willies into one , O that then wonldeft appoint a for pus in quo re- timewherein to rememberme : But for what, or in what wouldhe eorderis mei be remembred ? Either thus,remember to hide me in the grave at Vul that fet time, or Lordwhen thouhideft me in the grave be plea_ fed to remember me; The grave is a placeof forgetfulnefs,David complains (Pfal. 31. 12.) 1 ant forgotten as a dead man out of mind: 7o6 it willing tobe among the Dead, but not tobe for- gotten, or out of the mind of God ; Let the World forget 'me, I can bear that, but I cannot bear it that God fhould for- get me : O that thou wouldef remember me, Human (Pfal.88. s.) uefcribing his forrows, faith he,,w,s freeamoeg the dead,like as the fain that lie in the Grave, whom iogremenbreft ni more. Dead menare,as if theywere not only òît of the memorypf men, but of