Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. Iq.. F,xpoftion upon the,Book,ofJott. Verf 13. 62 I of God himfelf : 'obwas content to die out of the World, but not to die out of the Memory of God : He liked a grave of Earth, but he liked not the grave of Forgetfulnefs s Set me a time for the Grave, and remember to hideme there, or remember me when 1 am hidden there. Laflly, This Prayer, remember me, may be underflood as a ge- neral Prayer for good at the hand of God : The remembrance of God intimates all good to man. 'Tis good enough if he re- member us for good, as Nehemiah prayed he would ; to remem- ber notes chiefly thefe two things. Firfl, To value and efleem : Worthlefs things are not fit for a Treafury, much lefs for our Memory ; who would keep a Re- cord of that which noman cares toknow, nor (hall be the wifer if hedo know it ? Secondly, It notes Care. When we would help a friend or do him a courtefie, we remember him and have him often in our thoughts. Aquin,u pu- Some reffrain ?ebs requefl for remembrance to that fpecial tat divinam A& of Power andMercy, the railing ofhis body from thegrave. recordatio- Others confine it to the repairing of his broken Family, and the nemfumi pro: gift of Children in Head of thofe whowere flain : As ifhe deplo- refurrettione red the lofs of his Sons and Daughters, and that he was as a &vita. Ilea Treecat down, which fends out no Suckers, or that he was (as phraefis re- thé Enuch faith of himfelf in the Prophet) a dry tree, which cordari ali--- bears neither Leaf nor Fruit. And therefore Prays, O that cujus infa- thou wouldeft remember me in this. The word is often ufed cro codice by God in ref.rence to that fpecial mercy: The giving fapeufurp,t of Children, Rachel was barren a great while, yet at laft (the turab ids Text faith) the Lord remembred Rachel, (Gen. 3o. 22.) Hanna qui prolem being barren Prays in this flìle, (I Sam. I.I I.) O Lordof Hofls, a Deo po,/tua if thouwilt indeed look, on the afflalaion of thy Handmaid, and re- lant, pr,fer- member me, andnotforget thy Handmaid, but wilt give unto thine rimmafculi Handmaid a Mdnchild, then &c. The Hebrew word fignifying unir. Bold, A Mänchild (not that ufed by Hanna) fprings from this Root,, A 777 becaufe a M. ur nchild preferves the memory of the Family, where- hic habet- as the Female or Daughter loofah her name in Marriage. The venit Za- anfwer which God gave to Hanna, runs alfo in the fame flile char i. e. (ver.i 6.) Arid Elkanah knewHanna hiswife, and the Lord remem- mafculua bred her,- When the Lord NO* awaÿ lobs Children, he took quafQ pati from him bis remembrance, or thofe whowould have preferved mcmoria, 1kk k "3, bis