62z Chap.r4. An Expofition upon theBoolk,of Jos. Verf. t3 his name and memory : Which Bildad feems to aim at in his Defcription of the Judgments of God upon wicked men (rob 18. 17.) His remembrance fisall perifh in the Earth, and he "hall have no name in the ffreets : That is, he ¡hail have no Son to- bear his Name, or to keep his Memorial alive, when he is dead. Nowwhether we underfland this paíffage in general, or reftrain it toeither of thefe Particulars, we may Learn. That there is nothingmoredefrable then to be remembredof (od, and that to be remembred of God is the accornplifhment of all our defres. We can ask no more of God but to remember us : For as our remembrance of God is the fumme of all our duty to him, fo Gods remembrance of us is the fumme of all his mercies to us. When theArk had floated, and hadbeen toted many dayes upon theWaters of that mighty Deluge, the Text faith, God remem- bredNoah (Gen. 8. 3.) Though ourArk be driven in a tempe- ftuous Sea, yet it (hall neither fink nor fplit, while weSail in the thoughts of God. It maybe much if fome men remember us : When 7ofe h a Prifoner had expounded the Butlers dream to liberty and et l:irgement, all the Fee he asked for his pains was, Remember me when thou comefb toPharaoh : That is, (peak a good word for me, do me acourtefie at Court, when thou art reffored thither. The ungrateful Butler forgot °ofeph, but Goddid not : And though Pharaohs Butlet did not remember 7ofeph for Inter- preting his Dream, yet God.fent Pharaoh a Dream, which at laft <caufed the Butler to remember both his own fault againfi: Pha_ ra2h, and his forgetfalieffe of 7ofeph. If God remember ur he will find out fome way or other that men 'hall. And though a Friend who loves us and keeps us in his memory, may not be able to do us good (he may want power though he want no good will) yet the Power of God is as ftrong as his Memory, he isable todo us good, and can command all bothperfons and things to work together for our good. 'Tis a mercy, If God think upon its, though itbe toafflia rm, if he remembers us though it bewith a Rod ; (even that remembrance isan evidence Of his Cate aver us , and love 'to us.) Then how comfortable is it for him to remember us with a Staffe for our ficpport and comfort! The Thief upon the Crofs gathers all his petitions into this one,