624 Chap.rq.. An Expofition upon the Bookof Jos. Verf. i4. Nonefidubi- the refurre&ionof the body unto life, and for the life eternall taxtis'de re- of whole man after the refurrec`lion. It is ufuall both in Scrip- furre%ione Lure and common ufage to propound that by wayof doubt or onortuorum queflion, which yet is held as an undoubted pofition. lob did sad vitam neither doubt that man (hall die, nor that he Shall live again : eturnam. though; he put an if to the one, and a ques` ion about the o- ther. The Chaldee Paraphrafl teems to'underfland him of eternal Si mortuus life, but applies itto a wicked man : If a man die : that is, ifa fuerit vir wicked man die, fhall he live again ? (hall .he injoy eternal life ? ampius, fieri no, though he live eternally, yet he fhall not en)oy life one mo- ue pore vi- ment. His fecond life (hall he the fecond death. He fhall live as Tar ? Chal. life notes the unionoffoul andbody, but he Shall not live as life notes the communionamanwith God. Philippus, Pt, But though this be true, yet I conceive it quite betide lobs fcope. Secondly, Others interpret it of the refurredtion Ingenerali : ?'antumopúa And render the queflion asan admiration : If aman die, fhall be adrr<írarur, live again ! He Shall live, and is it not wonderfúll that he fhould! non negat. The refurreetion is a miraculous work : it fhall raife our thoughts Mere. about the power of the everlivingGod , when we hear his'power can raife man from death toeverlafting life. Infcripti ris Yet ufually in Scripture when the interrogation is put with- interrogatio out a negativeparticle, the fenfe is negative , as (Pfa. 56. 7.) stffereni ire- Shall they efcape by iniquity ? no, theyShall not efcape : and when gationi f:mi-'the interrogation is put with a negative particle, the fenfe is af- lis eff;d-ne- firmative : as ( ?er. 5.9.) Shall Z not vifitfor thefe things, faith gala offerti- the Lord , and fhall not my foul be avengedonfuck a nation as this ? oni. Yes, I will eifit for thefe things , andmy foul (hall be avenged nn filch a nation as this. According to this interpretation , Ifa roan die , Jhall he live again ? mufl be rendred by a deniall, heShall not liveagain. Hence A third opinion expounds it by a plain negation, If a mandie, j7ia/l he live again ? no, he fhall not, that is, he fhall not live in this world, nor returnany more to a natiiral life. And hence AFourth interprets lob as fpeaking conditionally , or upon an ;ondiriona- ;impolible fuppofition : As if he had laid , I know and am af- liter fmi fured, That if a man dies he cannot live again a life of nature. tat Cajeta- But if filch a thingmight be , and God would appoint me a fet mr., time when it fhoiild be , howwillingly would I. die and wait all thofe