Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. t`l. An Expofition upon the Book. of JOB. Veri tq.. thofe days of my appointed time, (how many foever they fhould be). till my change come ; that is , till God reflore me from the ftate ofdeath and the grave , to fuch aneflate of out- ward comforts and abundance as I once enjoied. But I cannot conceive Tob fo in love with a natural life , as thus to hanker after it by filch remote conditions , and groundleffe willies. And the rreforei Fifthly , I encline to thole , who expound the queftion in the firfl part of the verfe, as an abfolute negation : If a man die, he ¡hall live no more that is , a natural life. And the latter part of the verfe , (All the days of my appointed time will I waittit my change come) as a teflimony either of his fubmiflion to the will of God for the time of his death , or of his faith and full affurance of a refurreaion to eternal' life. As if he had laid, Though when I die Ifhall not live again in this world , yet I ans willing to die when Godwill , and I beleeve I(hall live again in the world,to come, anddo therefore wait in faith till this change (hall come. Hence Sixthly, Tob is here conceived correflingWs former with, and 9áaf feipfum reprehending himfelf for it ; As if he bad Paid , I indeed defired ®d ralra oree, the Lord toappoint me a let time when he would reflore me but LCC. Santì. why do Ivex my ,(elf and trouble the Lardwith vain wi(hes as if this wereapetition befittingme to aslZpr God togrant.? why fhould I expefb that Which was nevergranted to anyman : That being dead "might live again? Laflly, Some give out his meaning thus, If thou wouldeit grant me my with and hide me in the grave appointing me a let time , when thou wouldefi be pleated to do this for me; then fhould I think my felf happy , becaufe if I were once dead , I know I (hall return no more to the miferies of this life, upon . which condition I would be glad to wait with patience for the grave, what time foever thou thouldefl appoint me, till that my change by death fhould come : or , being dead and laid in my grave, I would wait thy appointed time for my refurreaion unto life. all the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come. That God appoints out the time of man , and that man (hall live out and cannot outlive that appointment, was (hewed at Lill the