Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap, zq:. An 6xpofition upon the Rook of J O B. Nerf. 14. 6z9 end , therefore we muff wait till the end : fo the Prophet advi feth in the next words, though it tarry, wait for it, for it will cer- tainly come , and not tarry. It will not tarry beyond the time, but it may tarry to the very end of the time : then wait the Ion- geff day , and to the utmofi of that day. It is laid thatthe peo- ple of Ifrael were afhamed, when theyjaw that Mofes (iaid fo long, (Exo.33.) they could wait no longer , they thought he was loft in the mount : come, let us make us gods, to gobefore us, for as for this Mofes we know net what is become of him ; They who will not flay for -God , make hafte to Idols , and they who will not wait in the way of God runne deilruaive ways. Samuel diret.led Saul to go down to Gilgal and there to flay for him feven days ( according to this appointment Saul tarried leven days, (t Sam.13.8.) but Samuel camenot, and the people were fcattered from him : hereupon Said cals for the burnt offering and peace offerings , and he offered his burnt offering and was he not to be excufed in this ? had not he waited long enough ? Samuel Paid helbuld come the feventh day , and Saul waited for him (even daÿs : why then Both Sa- muel chide with him (at the r rth verte) Paying, What haft thou done? Saul anfwers , Becaufe thou .cameft not within the slays appointed , Iforcedmyfelfandoffereda burnt offering. But would Samuel break promife ? was there yea and nay with him ? How is it then that Saul faith, he came not at the time appointed : Saul flaid feven days , but he flaid not (even days quite out, he plaid the feventh day and a great part of it, and no Samuel came, but Saul would not flay the laft hour ; Samuel came at the end of the feventh day, and fo made his word good , but becaufe Saul waited not to the end of the feventhday , he fell into that great evil. Thou haft done foolifhly , faith Samuel (ver. t 3.) and thy kingdom(hall not continue becaiafe thy patience was fo fhort thy power shall be fhortened. Take heed of giving upyour hopes : fay not the Lords time is pail , he will not come. We know what they do who are obliged to pay money up- on bonds, on a certain day. It fatisfies not the Law, that they waited at the place appointed, about noon or toward the evening of that day , and the creditour came not , they muff wait till the going down of the Sun , and then make the tender or elk the forfeiture may be :taken. Thus we niufl wait on hod to thelafl day , andeverypart of the Jail day, 1.111 z till