6z8 Chap. 14. AnExpofition upon the Book of JO B. Verf.14, till our changes or our comforts come. If we give over before the Sun go down , we fliall go down in darkneffe. re have need of patience (Heb.io. 36,37.) that when you have done the will ofGod, ye may receive the prol'nife : that is , the thing promifed. As we need the patience of labourers to doe the will of God, fo the patience of waiters, to tarry for our anfwer and reward. Iwild wait till my change come. And one would think ob needed not to wait long fcr that : for, Paid he not (chap. t o i 7.) changes and warre are upon me lob was under perpetual changes, and his were great changes, changes from a profperous to an aHiued eflate from health to Eckneffe, from honour to difgrace, from riches to poverty, and though his affluions hung long upon him , yet he had changes of affltfi:ion : froth and frefh evils, changes and war , or changes. of war were againfi him : as he complained (chap.so. t7.) God brought frefh armies to charge him every day and doth he now want a change ? and who is there that liveth and doth. not change? We change (though not fenfbly, yet) in fame, fence or other every moment. Changesare uponus changes of time, ofplace, ofcondition, and ofaffeelion. Li/Ian continu- eth not, (faith lob at the beginning of this Chapter) we are only conffant in changes : what then is the meaning of this defired change ? Man bath three great changes , and they are all three taken in here ; according to a threefold opinion about the interpretation of thefe words. Donee veniet Firff , Someunderfland the change for which lob waited , to rerun; vicifsi be a change in his outward condition. A change fromweakneffè 11,u/to uflatt s to flrength , from poverty to riches , from furrow to joy he hie meus mute waited for deliverances from his prefent evil ,. and to be re -efla- Eold. met`uJ' ted in his former comforts. Though jobneeded (if ever man did) filch a change as this , yet (I conceive) this was not the change ibenErraex for which hepromifeth hereto wait. But p°ait difceJief Secondly, Till my change come, that is, till death come. Many meus,i.e. donee both of the Rabbins and others go this way , and judge it the hint migrem,de morte inteUigit moll proper interpretation , ef1X the days ofmy appointed time tanquam fim- Iwill wait, till I die : or , I wit live waiting fora change by pticitts, Mere. death ; death is a great change , the great change not only of this