63o Chap. 14. d4n Expofition Upon the Rook, of J O 13. Verf.iq. Death is a change to all dying Sains change from bad to good, from good to heft : when wicked men die , they change from bad to worfe, fromware to wort} ofall. Hrp,tefss j obi Thirdly , This change is interpreted of the refurreétion, jab gttcd ir.t i)..i...- defires to die prefentiy and would wait willingly till the retur- r<t,t,ra ft. acd rc fuion , knowing that then he lhould be freed from all afßic`ti- aunus grzi.e on One of the ancients renders it , I will wait untilray holy verttt,rus q,trd birth, day come : The refurre&ion is a birth-day to the world. ft.ato irfius C. The earth and lea (hall be in travel and be delivered (he that r,;ilttr.z cents drebt:s d firtita, is raifed from deathbegins a new life) They tookdead then into quo.i ees fit, their womb , and (hall ( by the power ofGod ) return them gteod deeef,j,, living. There íhail not be one abortive or flilborn in that ages v'entkra great birth-day. Some expound that regenerationwhich Chrift p`etant ftrgtt- fpeaks of (eNatth.1y. z8.) of the refurrc}ion, and give the mentnnt mag- stunt reft,rre_ fenfe only with the alteration of a point, thus, Te which have ftionis mer- followed nie , (hall in the regeneration (or refurre&ion) when the tr,orunl. Son ofman¡hall ]it in the throne ofhisglory,fit upon twelve thrones, rat.` enim dif judging the twelve tribes of I frael. Which readingBeta a learned Po tollosn ue interpreter affirms that he hath obferved in five ancient copies: rota: in rebus implying that when the bodies and fouls of the Saints thall be ex ternisnon marled again together , never to be feparated by death , that .e.0 figna ire will be as a new birth -day to them all. However 'tis clear be- vol gran* , to yond difpute that the refurrefuion day of Chrift is called in bar vita quod non Scripture both the day of his begetting and of his birth. For dart tit ft- thatpof (Tfal. z. y.) yThou art m y fon this day have I begot- delesfrerattt i- deogue Out ten thee , is interpreted by the Apoftle of the refurre&ion ipjstonveni- of Chrift, eAf1.r3. where having Paid (ver.3o.) Cod bath "nit" eff'e , raifed him from the dead, he fubjoins (verf3z, 33.) t 4ndwe m am a ern. d ad eclare untoyouglad tidings, how that the promife which was made - CCuc. unto the Fathers, God bathfulfilled the fame untotu their children, i.,,,,. t1,,. v;_ in that he bath railed up 7efus again, as it is alfa written in the fe- ratygti, 70. do_ coed T(aline : Thou art my fon , this day have I begotten thee. mtecrurfusfatn And that the refurre ion of Chrift is his birth as well as his be- Donee vtniat getting is proved by the fame Apoille, whocalleth him exprefly favila nativi- The firflborn from the dead (Col.': 18.) Now as the firff birth- .ttaennf i rtqni day of man into the world is a change : So this fecond birth- refittgit & in- day will be a greater change. As the Apoftle difputes it all a- greditur no- long (ICor.t5 ".) how great a change will that be when mor- vumvita cur- tality 1173.11 put on immortality , when corruption (hall put on ricuturn incortuption , when that which is fown a natural body (hall be