Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. 14. An E'xpotition upon the Rook, of J O B. Verf. 14. 6z t be railed a fpiritual body Hence the Apofileconcludes at the 5 z th verte We thatl not all fleep , but we _1all all be changed : which the Vulgar Latine reades thns, we pall all rife, bot we /hall not all be changed and another as the learnedBez.a hath obfervd upon that place : we (hall all Sleep, bot we ¡hall not all be changed. For thefe not obferving that the Apoftle in this piace Speaks only of the bodies of the Eleét, and knowing that the bodies of the wicked (hall not have (though they (hall have force change) fuch a change as is here fpoken of, upon thefe grounds they have thus boldly altered the text to ferve their own fence : whereas both the Syriake and Arabike interpre- ters keep to the Original greek, from which we tranflate, wejhall not all Beep , but we /hall all be changed. For the Apoftle treating of the itate of all Saints at the Taft day, of whom many (hall then be found alive he declares what (hall be done to them : They (faith he) Jhall not fleep, that is , they (hall not die yet they !hall be changed ; bo that , though forte of the Saints ¡hall not be raifed becaufe they 111a11 not die, yet all at that day (hall flnde a change : We ¡ball not all Beep, but we ¡hall all be changed. This is the great change : In the morning of the refurreetion we (hall all put on frail Suits , fre(h Suits of fle(h and robes ofglory upon them, Such as (hall never change, much leffe wear out, Inch as (hall be fre(h , not only as thegarments of the lfraelites fourtyyears in the wilderneffe, but for ever. After this change we (hall hear no more of changing. And that we (hall have fuch a change the Apoftle fpeaks again , (Phil.3.23.) Who _hall change our vile body,that it may be fafhioned li1Ze to his glorious body: The body (hall be caft into a more excellent mould , even as a veffel that is broken or out of fafhion, is put into the Goldfmiths hand to be changed or newmade ; yea , there (hall be a change at that day not only of the body but of the whole man the foul (hall be changed not in the fubftanceof it , but in_ the per- feEtions of it for then full glory (hall be poured into the foul, and it (hall havea better elate, though not in the nature of it, yet in the degree of it, then it had before. Then mans glory (hall be compleated when foul and body thall,meet again , and be re-u- nited : the union of foul and body conftitutes man a foul alone is not man as a body alone is not ; Now in the day oftheir re- efpoufals , what gifts will the Lord beftow ? what tokens of his royal! bounty ? Such gifts, Inch tokens Pure , as will-con- lance