632 Chap. rq.. An expofition opon the $ook of JOB. Verf td.. vince man that his change is come, andabundantly recompence all his days of waiting for it. Again Obferve, That the alluredhope ofthe refarreïlion toeternal life, will fop- port thefoul with patience tinder all the evils ofthis life. lob could willingly undergo any condition, becaufe a change was coming : Though we fight with beafts as long as we live, we have advantage enough in this one truth , the dead frail rife, (t Corr S. 31.) what though we endure hardfhip in this life, we fhall ari{è to a better life. The Authour to the Hebrews (chap.r. 35.) reports the courage andconflancyof the Jewilir. Martyrs upon,this account, They were tortured not accepting de- liverance that they might obtain a better refurreâlion. But are there two forts or two degrees of refurreetion ? one good and another better , that he faith, they looked toobtain a better re- furreEtion ? I anfwer, He cals that which they expeEted a better refurreftion , not comparatively to another refurrection , but either 6rf}, in coin- parifon of that life which they were to lofe, if theywould keep the faith ; or Secondly, in comparifon of that life which they might have kept if they wouldhave let go their faith , or fubmit- ted to idolatry. And their life in this latter fenfe may elegantly be called a refurrection , becaufe they being but as dead men in the hands of thole tyrants for profeflìng the faith , were offered their lives again , or (Mould have been reflored to a free enjoy- ment of their lives if they would have renounced or denied the faith. But thefe noble profeffors thought the offer of fuch a life too vile a price to fell their faith for. And therefore they defpifed that deliverance which was only a refurrection from a threatned death to a tranfitory life , in comparifon of that true or better refurreftion, which would be from an inflicted death to eternal life. Now if the Saints under the old Teftament were thus Heroical in fufferings upon the hope ofa future refur- rection,about which they had no open direct promife,norany very clear evidence; howmuch more fhould we who have the doctrine of the refurrection written as with a beam of the Sun , together with the glory and the happinefie which (hall follow ? The aflu- rance ofa change to any better flate,is apt to raife in man high re- folutio s in any the worft eftate wherein he is. And any the hope