Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap, Li.. An expoftion capon the Boob of J O B. Verf. '4. 633 of mendingour condition enables us to bear a bad condition : hope is the fupport and pillar of the foul, in its heaviell pref- fures, that which adds infinitely to the punithment of the damned in hell , is , that as they are in an ill condition , fo they know their condition will never mend , they cannot fay they will wait till their change come, they muff fuffer, but they cannot,hope ; Their change Ihall never come though they fhouid hope for it, becaufe they have no ground of hope, everlaaing wrath is de-, termined upon them. This makes them compleatly miferable: To be without hope of good , is worfe then the enduringofevil the damned in hell are more pained with thinking that their mi- ferable condition will never change, then they are in bearing their prefent mifery. TheSaints in heaven are in a happyellate, and they know it will never change , they joy asmuch in this af- - as they do in the fenfe of their prefent happinefle : they enjoy all their joies at once, becaufe their joy is one, and (hall ever be the fame ; Their condition is fo good that they neednot delire a change , and fo fure , that they need not fear a change. It is the extremity and the height ofa good elate to bebeyond the . fear, and ofan evill elate to be beyond the hope of change : itis an abatement ofour comforts, to enjoy good which may be chan- ged for evil and an abatement of our forrows to endure evill which maybe changed for good. 'rwas thus with Yob , he was in a forrowfull condition , but he believed a change was coming, and therefore he refolved. t11 the daies ofmy appointed time will 1wait, till my change come. Mmmm J 0 F