Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

634 Chap. iq.. efln E'xpofrtion upon the Book, of J O B. _ Verf t 5, JOB Chap. 14. Verf.i 5,16,17. Thou(halt call, and 1 will anfwer thee : thouwilt have a delire tolhework ofthine hands. For now thou numbreji my Reps , aloft thou not watch over my finne ? A trapfgreffion is fealedup in a bagge , and thou foweli ,up mine iniquity. N the dole of the 14th verle , we heard lob refolving to wait all the daies ofhis appointed time, till his change fbalt come : and according to the various interpretations of that change, opinions vary about the call and "flyer of this s 5th. verle. Thom fualt call, and I will anfiver. They who interpret that changeby death,fence it thus, "when= ever rhou lhált fend out thy writ or fummons to the grave, I .si ateJocesrte_ fháll readily submit unto it ancitbey : thou /halt call and I will rique iubeas " anlaver, why fhould I be flow footed or faint. hearted, when I :paratul Pon "am called ro the grave ? feeing 1 am afiured , that I (hall not be RabMoy[es. " loll in the grave , no nor forgotten there : though the grave be Autaan ine vo- raGit ." the land of forgetfulneffe , thy affections towards me will pre- ,firandum ez " ferve thy memory of me; and feeing I live in thy love, Ican- vita , ego " not live out of thy thoughts : Thou wilt have a delire to the tibeus tibi re- Ce work of thy hand. - ,nderent. Hence Ob(erve, lore. That a godly man in a due frame of fpirit) willingly obeys the .call of (loci to die. The Apoffie had not only a willingoeffe but a forwardneffe to die even a zeal or a kinde of ambition to die , 1 delire to be dijlved, and to be with ChriJt, which is bell of all. The Saints receive their call to death as a call to reft , and though the body for a while lie down in the dull, yet they knowwhat is prepa- o'ed for the foul , and when they two meet together again both (hall be called to an everlalling refl. Some interpret there words ofcalling andanfvering , by the common cufeome of ing and of the readineffe of thofe who are invited to come ?unto a feafl : Ilowwilling arc we to frail with our fr.iendsf Saints never