Chap. tq.. exin Expofition upon theBook,óf J® B. Verf. t5. ß3,S never go toa feaft indeed till they havedone eating the hunger of the foul after this feafl conquersthe fear of death. I grant there is a natural fear of death , and 'tis potble that a belee- ver who (in his own thoughts) hath often aEted the dying man , may yet finde forne regret and unwillingnef e to die when death comes : the very looting of the bond , the untving,of the marriage knot between foul and body , is unwelcome to nature, while grace bids it welcome. Paul did not fo much delire to be uncloathed as to be closthed upon he was willing rather that mortality should be fwallowed by eternal: life, then that natural life Ihould lye fwallowed up by mortality. Yet at lait faith conquers natural fear , grace laughs while nature mourns, and a beleever can with as much chearfulneffe anfwer the call of God to die, as the call of a friend to.dinner when he is hungry, or to bed when he is weary. Secondly , They who expound this change for that of the re- furreelion, give another meaning of this call and anfwer. As the former take it for a call_ to the grave fo there for a call from the grave, and his anfwer to be a willing. return from thence : he would not let Cad call - twice., much lefs demurre upon the matter, whether he were bell come out of the grave or no. Thou ¡halt call and Imill anfwer, here 1am, Lord, Icome, The Septuagint render 1 will obey thy, call, in that day God will call, yea, he will make the greateft call that ever yet was made. l henour God (bull come , andwill not keep filence , hePall call to the heavens from above, and to theearth that he may jugde bispeople (`)fal. o. 3.,4.) Ina moment, in the twinkling ofan eye, at the lafl trump, for the trumpet Pall found, and the dead (hall be raifed incorruptible , andwe ¡hall be changed (r Cot.] S. 52.) Er zceGc And again The Lord himfelf will defcend from heavenwith a cum hortat.; (bout with the voiceofthe erlrchungel , with the trump of cod, nit einno+e, and the dead in Chrift ¡hall.. rife firfl, (r Thef.4. a6,) he !hall Kdeufna pro defcend from heaven with a (bout, with a loud exhortation, fo Prie elf borta- loud that all who are in the grave (hall hear. him : the word men good aped` narataseff Jo- in propriety lignifies that encouraging voice., which is among jenny 1ue.un.. marriners or rowers in a galley, who are called with one veluticoncentu, cónfent to buckle to their oars : the Lord {hall defcend with-a remosducnnt,. lhout like that and route the dead at orce out.of their grave's. Bez. lr the parable of the Virgins , 'tisfaid , at midnight there was a great cry,, behold , the bridegroom cometh , go je out to meet , Mmm m 2. him-