636 Chap. s 4. .An expofition upon the Bookof J OB. Vereis. him (Mat. z5.6.) This is not the crie of thofe who are called ( there will be a cry among them ) but a cry from heaven cal - ling them ro meet the bridegroom. Chri!f f'peaks of two forts of dead men and ofa twofold call to a twofold refure£tion, lob. 5. The hour is coming and now is when the dead(hall hear the voice ofthe Son ofGod, and they that hearfhall live : There are the dead in finne , who are called to arife in newneffe of life , or to a new life, the life of grace Marvell not at this ( faith Chrift ) for the hour is coming , in the which all that are in the grave (hall hear his voice and(hall comeforth , they that have done good to the refurrell ion oflife , and they that have done evill unto the refurreilion of damnation. As a great cry caufeth the fpiri- tuall refurreítion from finne , fo ,'the corporali from the dull. Both are effEts of the mighty power ofGod. When Chrift railed Lazarus , he fpake witha loud voice (7oh. i s. 43.) La- zarus come forth, Lazarus anfwered this voice and came forth. And as he then , fo all mankinde (hall hear and obey the voice of Chrift commanding them to come forth. God cals now , and few will anfwer or obey : O that my people had hearkned unto my voice, (Pf 8r. s i.) God will at lait fpeak fo loud and fo effeEtually that the deafest Adders (hall hear the voiceof the charmer and appear out of their holes ; The Lord com- mands the Prophet (Ezek. 37.4.) Son of man prophefie upon thefe dead bones : he means it typically of the Jews in captivity yet there the refurreEtion is fhadowed : God will prophetic up- on our dead bones : And if any ask Can thefe bones live ? yet there bones (hall live. God will layfinews upon them andhe will bring up fefh upon them and cover them with skin, he will put breath into them and they (hall live. Now a gracious heart an- fwereth the call of God in the atings of a fpirituall life ( Pfal. 17. 8. ) When thoufhalt fayfeekmyface , my heart anfwers thy face Lord will I feek., Then every man gracious or without grace, good or, bad , Lhall anfwer the call of God to the receiving of another life : a life to Come better then that they once lived , a life tomoil unconceiveably worfe then the death from which they ace called. Thou(halt call and/will anfwer, that's a fecond fente. Thirdly,.That change was interpreted by others for a change in his prefent flate, from fickneffe to health, from pain to cafe, from forrow unto joy. Hence