Chap. t.¢. An cxpofition upon the Boob, of JOB. Vert: i S, 637 Hence arifeth a third interpretation of this call ofGod am anfwer of fob in reference to a judiciary deceptation or de- bate, which Jobhad profeffed himfelf willing to abide and carry through with God , in cafe he would be pleafed to grant him that defìred change : he fpake that delire before ; And I linde one interpreter fixing him in it here. It is manifefl (faith he) bM "rifosDmt that Job cloth nor fpeak,here of the refurellion ofhisflefh, but ofqui de earn(, that call andanfwerfor the ending ofhis prefent controverfie: aboutfore refierredi which we read his offer (Chap. 13.2 i.) Withdraw thy handfarre onefed deea zoo- from me let not thy dreadmaki me afraid : then call thou and1 cattone & rde-e. anfwer , dr, let me lj:eakandanfwer thou me. And fo , with qua i3 [ z.) draw thyhand, is as much as this change my (late and then I t,tprafenr, rem will anfwer thy citation or thy call and give an account of my&tem dirimas felf, in whatfoever thou fhalt4mand of me : I have opened effe intille en his mind in this propofall upon thofe words of the 13th chapter, dum,Boldt thither i referre the Reader. Take only this note from it. That when thebody is unburthenedofoutward aff ultions, and the foul eafedof inwardforrows, then wehaveagreat advantage both to plead.with andpray to God. How much the inward man is preffed by the outward and how the fpirituall part of the inward man is preffed by thole fears that arife from its carnali part , might be (hewed from this expocation, but (though it hath a fairneffe in it, and a learned pen tomaintain it yet)1 wave it as not fo proper and pertinent as either of the former two to the fcope of this call and anfwer, which this Scripture leads us to. Job having promifed a readineffe in himfelf to anfwer the call ofGod , (hews his affurance of Gods readineffe to call him , and ofhis acceptance with him. 'Thomwilt have a dfre to the workofthine handd. It bath been (hewed ( chap. io. 3. ) Firfl, That man is the work of Gods hand. Secondly, In what fenfe hands are afcribed unto God. Thirdly , Howman is the work ofGods hand. For the clearingof thefe particulars in a wayofexplication 9 1 fend the Reader to the chapter and verfe fore -cited and (hall deal with this claufe only as (lands in connexion here with the call 'and anfwer laft opened. Mm ton 'Mon