Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. 14. An expofirion upon the Book of J OB. Verf. r f. 63 9 of charity or pity to reach out the hand : Thou wilt have a defre, may be well expreffed thus,thou wilt put forth thy hand to the world ofthy hand,and helpme upwhen thou, rife. A true friend reacheth his heart out before he reacheth out his hand. God had cafh lob into the mire and ditch (as he fpake chap. g.) yet he beleeves hewould take him by the hand, and lift him not only out of the ditch of affliftion, but out of the graveof death. Fence Obferve, Firfi, That God bean much ea-lion to man as he is the work of his hand. It argued high difpleafure when God fpake thus agáinfl his people Be that made them will not have mercyon them , Andhi thatformed themwillJhew them nopity (l11a7. i a.) The mean- ell creature in the world is the work of Gods hand, and under that notion the delire of his heart : it is natural to all men to love their own works: and it is the diflemper of moll men to conjiee^rt a overlove and d.oat upon yea to be proud of the work of their rifex apoppeeere hand : God bath a delire to and a liking of all his works, (Gen. op"s nanuu7 z .3 t.) when he had finned that greatilruílure that noble fa- arum' e?uf que videndi cu-` brick of the world, he faw all that he hadmade, and he law it piditate mere. with content. God did not make the world and then take Deut, a viewof it ; all was one aft, yea, he law the idra or platform of it in his own breall from eternity but the Scripture fpeaks thus toThew what price and value heput upon his work. And if the natural frame of man be loch as God bath a delire to, and looks upon with delight , as it then came out ofhis hand in the firft creation < what delires hath God to the work of his own fpirit in our hearts which is the fecond of thenew creation ? bath he not a delire to the new creature., who hath.a delire to every creature ? if he bath a delire to the work of his power then much more to the work of his fpirit in regene- ration which is the molt beautiful peece of work which he e- ver made. Angels are excellent creatures being confirmed in holineffe : the foul ofa beleever formed up bygrace,. is a crea- ture matching Angels. When Stevens face,was f ll,o£ beauty, the text faith it did Jhine as the face ofan Angel ifan Angel were corporal, he could not have more lufre aad beauty then Stevens face had. Every Saint bath a heart like. the face of an Angel full of divine beàuties and glorious excellencies. To loch a work of God how great a delirebath God ? Daniel _ was,