Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

64.o Chap. 14. An Expofition upon the Rook of J O B. Verf. i S was called amanofdefireaby the Angell (chap.9. 23.) we tran- fiategreatly beloved, but the Chaldee is , Thou art a man ofde- fires : Though every beleever cannot be called a man ofdelires in Daniels height yet every beleever is a man of delires, Aman whom God delires. It is an honour to man tobe defired among men ( and thofe Princes died in di{honour , of whom the holy flory faith, that they died undeured ) but how great an honour is it to that man who lives deGred ofGod , and ( whereof Yob was of ored) to whom God will have a delire as to the work of his hands when he is dead ! Take this corollary from it. Ifgodhath a defire to the workofhis hand , bow fhauld they who are the workofhis handhave a defire onto him? What delire Ihould we have to God who hath wrought us, when we hear that he bath a delire to us bccaufe he bath wrought us ? (hall the potter have a delire to theélay , and !hall not that clay ( which bath delires) have a delire to the potter ? One of the Ancients fpeaks palfionately to this point: Iwas made by thee OLord, and my heart is'refileffe till it return to thee: the work fhould have a delire to the hands that made it , and that which hath received a being to the fountain of its being. Sinful] dellempers caufe tis to depart from God the work bath thenno delire to thehand that made it. Holy aaings are all from God , and they carryus back to God , from whom they are. A holy heart cannot but have a delire to God, the work ofwhofe hands it is. Thirdly , 3ob was in a very fad condition, whenhe fpake this, he was pleading with God for a change , a change by death , he will needs die rather then continue fuch a life ; The hand of God hid- call .him as low as man could be on this fide the grave or hell and he faith, Thoußaalt have a defire to the wort, of thy hand: Hence Obferve, Faith can, difcern fome light offavour , fomeglimerings oflove throngh theeióscds ofdarkefl diifienfations. It is the holy skill, the art of faith to make conclutions of life, in death, and of light in darkneffe ; This is the right Logickof faith : Faith can prophelie and faith is a true Prophet ,'thon wilt have defire, he (peaks of the time ro come, The prefumption of evil! men prophdmes fometimes or dreams rather that God w ill