Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

64a Chap. i d.. eAn E'xpofition upon the Boo_ of JOB. Vert i 6. are his fleps ; holy anions are (freight fleps , and finfull anions Grefus font are uneven ones , he went on frowardly in the way of his heart, iffektus & Ifa. 57.17. that is, in the waywhich his heart moll delighted in, wíïus quibus that was a crooked way and fuch were his fleps , fuch dif- Anivnus homi- y nis incedit 6o. orderly walkers ufe not to number their own fleps but God ,sis quieten; ad doth. palmam coatis Numbring the fleps notes an exan account, and an acurate ob. veto ad pee- fervation of our anions, we fay of a man who goeth fofcly, nam. furelyyou tell yourfieps , The Lord is faid to number our fleps, 'SD eft Hume- when he makes a lira& in uiítion concerning all our tranfani- rare ve!fuppte- 7 tare. Tnc li_ ons , and Pets down ifep by Rep, everypaffage of our lives, when bellesfùpputa- he keeps (as it were). aday-book, of all we doe and records us- Ybrius, to a word or thought. David fpeaksof his enemies, (Pfal. 56. e e u_ v. 6.) theygather themfelves together , they hide themfelves ,they a markjny fleps , when they wait for my foul : that is , they mark dsofè aliquem offrvare ffi every thing I doe or fay he that would be watcht exaetly were omnia ejus fa- bell to have an enemy to watch him love makes us watchful' aainquirere, over one another , left we take hurt ; but malice makes a man. goodfire fit obfervant enough ofanother to do him hurt : thus 'Davids ene- hofEil! animo. mies were double diligent upon their watches, they mar m fleps, old. g Singulafalla when they wait for my foul; And again, 'Pp/. 17. i i. te B 'ma recenfes & compaffed us inour fleps they havelet their eyes bowing down to nd emufl=rn the earth. It is an allufion (as I conceive) to hunters who go matins. Jun. poring upon the ground to prick the hare, or to finde the print of the hares claw , when the hounds are at a lotfe, and can make nothing of it by the fcent. Thus his enemies call about to finde where he had gone, or what he had been doing, that their bloodhounds might follow the game witha fresh cry. So then, thou numbre11 myfleps , is no more but this , whatfoever I doe' or fpeak thou art very curious and critical' in the obfer- vation of it ; I will not Ray in the inlargement ofany points from thefe words , but referre to chap. 1o. v. 14. where Job fpeaks the fame fenfe , IfIfinne then thou market' me, &c. Only Note in paffage. Firff God knows all the motions of our hearts , andthe aîtion.r ofour lives. He that is unacquainted with our wayes , cannot number our Reps : it is bell for us to number our own fï:eps, and to take heed to our own wayes , when we hear that God is fo exan at it :. it would make us cautious what we do, if we knew of a man