Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. 14. eXt1 Expofition upon the Tookof JO B. Verf. 16. who took notice of all we did. Secondly, Theperfon, "lob was a holy man whofe RepsGod numbred, whence we may learn, That Godfeesthefin ofhis own children. lob was not ofopinion that God fees no fume in his children; he knew himfelf to be a childe of God , and he knew his Reps were numbred, yea, and his fin watched over, as he fpeaks in the next claufe. Dollthou not watch over my fin? Some render this as a prayer , Do not keepmyfins , or sureme Parce peccatis my fins , that is, doe not puniíh them : but this is incontinent meis, Vulg.i with the tenour ofJobs difcourfe, and fo I leave it. ,lac pracatio; The letter of the Hebrew is Dofl thou not keep or obferve uponfon convent. my fanne ? The fenfe is the fame with what he laid laft, or we Merc. have herebut anexpofition of it. Some reade it without an in- -Inwn tereogation, Thou watcheft over myfanne, in both there is an allu- 9 d exczsFias Con to a fevere creditour, who gives no day, but prefently exa6ls agis fuper pec- the forfeiture or penaltyofhis bond. So the Septuagint render, cum ttssutn one ofmy fins paffe thee, thou takefl noticeof all to punifh and verbum de bring me to judgement for them. Other tranfate , Thou doi verb°, Xec etc not wait, or expect at all upon myfin, As ifhie had fad, au loon às s2®dir fuper ever thou haft feenone commit any fanne , thou laie1i thy arreft andp,t,`éum.ra chargeupon me, thoudoll not give me time but callefl me toa prefent Non prateribis account. u ullum pecca. 'We may here again note, the infpefhion or fuperintendency forum meorum of God over the ways ofman': he is foperfect a numberer , that Verbum -Inv he watcheth to number: he that will number how many fleps expeitare another takes , had need watch him well. Let no man wonder &differre coons that God numbreth his fleps , when he watcheth to number magna parte them : and indeed , it is as eafie for God to fee every finne in us, Hebraorum as to fee one fin ; there is no difficulty to omnifciency, in know- fumo. M?rc; ing all things. Let this alfo be for our caution and admonition if God watcheth over our fins, how (hould we watch over our felves ? Chrift gives this charge What 1 fay to you 1 fay to all, watch : we muff watch for our own outward fafety, though God watcheth to fave his watchfulneffe is no plea for our. Orle%neffe s much more have we need to watch fen we fin, becaufe God watcheth to obferve our fins. His watchfulneffe lIhould provoke our carefulnefle. The Lord (as it were ) Nnnn z watch