644 Chap. 14. 4n expofition upon the Book, of JOB; Vere r G watch eth advantages to bring evill upon them, who are not watchfull againft evil! (Dan. 9. 14.) Therefore loath the Lord watcbed the evil!, andbrought it upon us : they were not watch. full againft the evil! of finne, therefore the Lord watched to bringupon them the evil! of punifhment. Havenot we caufe to watch left we tranfgreffe ,. when God watcheth to chaflen our tranfgrefli ons ? The Prophet fer. zo. t e. complained , Allmy familiars watchedfor myhalting :. God (in a fenfe) watchethfor our haltings. He doth not watch as wicked men doe, with at hope to fee us halt, as the Prophet perfonates his unkind' fami- liars there laying thus among themfelves, or every man in his own heart `Peradventure he will be enticed, and we(hallprevail againfi him., and we ¡hall take. our revenge onhim. It pleafetlx wicked men to fee the godlyhalt or Rumble, much more to fee them fall God is infinitely above fuch thoughts :. or defigns , he watcheth for our haltings to makeus know them , not to infult over us for them. He watcheth for our haltings , not hoping to fee us halt, but to prevent us fromhalting, orifwe halt, then to preferve ms from falling. He at moll watchethfor our haltings to correeus for them , not to takehis revenge upon us for them. He watcheth us tomake us watchfull. There is a double watchfullnefe which this fhould leak us to. Firft , A watchfullneffe in reference to God. Secondly , A watchfullnefïe in reference to our (elves; We fhould watch. i .What GodBoth. 2.What God faith. And we fhould watch. i. What we doe. , 2. What we fpeak. 3. What we think : Every thought, Word and work muff be accounted for , and brought to judgement : and therefore it is as much our wifdome, as it is our duty to watch over them. Thou watcheit over my finne (faith lob) And fuppofe God find his fin , what will he do next ? that fob feems to tell us in the next verle. Our fins are but trafh , yet pob fuppofed that God put his into a bagge ; they are no treaf tire , yet fob fuppofed, God fealeçl up his lins in a bagge, and left the Peal fhould not be firong enough he reprefents God rowing up this baggt full of finne, fuch were the apprehenfions of this forrowtull man. Verle