Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. 14. efln Expoftion upon the Book.of J O B Verf. r7. Verfe 17. e.'Wfy tranfgreffions are fealed up ina bagge , and thou 'fowejl up mane iniquity. There are twoexpofitions ofthere words. Firft, That the fealing oftranfgreffions up in a bag, implies the Elegant m- utter removing of tranfgreflîon : as if they were fealed up never br odenurproed to be feen or brought forth any more: the word is ufed Yob. iat der, ur 9.7. he fealedup theflars ; that is, he covers them with clouds and Hullo modo darkneffe, or overcomes them with greater light. Theclearneffe earn videre asst ofthe day feals up the flars alwaies ,. and fo doth the cloudineffe tangere Ftceat of the night fometimes. Some give this fenfe of the fealing here, =ig eopum .' my tranfgrefons arefealed in abagge , that is , they are hid , and Its pe- ¡hall not be remembred at all for ever. `Daniel Prophecying ofnirxs delere. the fufferings of Chrift , faith, chap g. 24,. Seventy weeps are Pined. determinedupon thypeople, and the holy city to finifb tranfgreffion The Chaldee word is, to feat up tranfgreffion : what that is the next words (hew, and to make an endof fins, to make reçonci-, Ration for iniquity, this was done by the death ofChriff. The death of Chrift was the deathof fin, and when reconciliation is made forfin the end of fin is made. This is agreat 6ofpel trek, when fin is pardoned, it is fealed upfofaff, that when it comes to, befoughtfor, it fhallnot be found, andwhen it is enquired. aft07 it (hail not be. "?et I conceive it futes notthis place., nor anfwers the fubjeel upon which yob (sill inflas, for he is aggravating the dealings of God with him ,. as fevere , he numbreth myfleps So that to fay my tranfgreffions are fealed up, that is they are pardoned and covered is an expelition of fo great a variation from the fcope' of Yobs difcourfe, as cannot be admitted in this placé. Therefore to clearhis meaning.I (hall offer that fealing is ufed ins three cafes. Fir( 'c, To keep things fecret that they may not be feen.. Secondly,. To keep things di tinet, that they may not be con; fufd. Thirdly, To keep things fafe (as we ufually fpeak) that they may be forth-coming. When Danielwas cal} in the Lions den (that he might be fafe, not fafe from the Lions, but fafe, that none .ihould fetch him out from the Lions, that there might be no delulìon in the bulì- neílle,) 'Tis Paid a flone was brought, and laid upon the mouthof the. 645'