Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

646 Chap. 14. An Expofition upon' the Took of J O B. Verf. 17. the denne, and the King fealed it with his own fignet, chap.6. 17. Seals were antiently put upon chefls of goods, efpecially of their uufigteatc cel- choicefl goods. 'Pliny gives it as an argument of the integrity tas refe, to an- of the times before him , that then nothing was fealedup, fervants nulunt td t,3P. might then (as we fpeak of thofe that are very trufly) be trufled Piaui, in with untold old but now (faith he) hau a e,e eri fecure their fkp f sir'c fuie ills verymeat anddrikwith feals,lefl their fervants fhouldHeal, and prfcorum vi- embez.le them, In allufion to this or that other fervice of the ta? s ualiin- faith 2 feal , cb n, here , my tranfgrean isfealed, as if he had Paid, nocentia z in my tranfgre(fion is kept fa£e , that it may be ready as matter of quanihil fg- nabatur, accufation and charge againft me. In purfuance of which fence, nun. cibi quo- force interpret thefe words as a metaphor taken from folici- Zue f&potus tours about law-faits , who carry their papers and bils of indite- annido vinai- ment fealed up and put into a bagge, which cuftome is continued cant a bailing. at this day. As if fob had laid , my inditement or charge is fealed lib.;z, u in thy ba e furel thou intende Portly to proceed to a tryal e.t. P y gg , 1 . . Y P Y againfl me. When God tels the people of Ifrael, their vine is a the vineof Sodom, &c. he minds them prefently is not this laid sip inflare with me, and fealedup among my treafures ? Deut.32. 34. that is , this evil which you have done, the fns which you have committed , like Sodom and Gomorrah, are laid up In [lore withme , and fealed among my treafures, I have taken Pure no- tice of all and [hall bring all forth in due time : you have fcat- tered your fins and wickednefhes abroad , but I have gathered and fealed them, up. God treafures up mercy for an obedient people but he treafures up wrath for the rebellious. Or if God Ihould not do it, yet fuch doe it for themfelves 7<om.z. S. De1ÿifefl thou the riches of hisgoodneffe and forbearance, not know- ing that thegoodneffe of Cod leadeth thee to repentance ? but after thy hardneffe and impenitent heart, treafureit up unto thy Pelfwrath againfi the day of wrath. As impenitence feats our fins upon us, fo it treafures and feats up the wrath of God upon us for our fins. The iniquity of Ephraim is bound up, his fin it hid Hof. 12. 13. from whom was it hid ? not from the eyes of God (poflibly not from the eye ofthe world) but it is bound up and hid , as referved to a day of reckoning. It is bound up , not let loofe by pardoninggrace it is hid, not with a coveringofmer- cy but with a covering frommercy , it is hid, not for protefii- on , but (as J b thought his finne was fealed) for punifh- anent. My