Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

648 Chap. J 4.. An Expofition upon the Book of JOB. Verf. r7. cafe yet , he goodman put all upon his fin. It is good to judge our felves when we are judged ( that is chaftened ) of the Lord. Tallitur bac in Secondly , Though this be a truth in general , yet lob is not re : obus ,non to be excufed in having (uch dark thoughts of God , and fall effenthee offt- black thoughts ofhimfeif, That Purely God foaled up his iniquities ttioues pæra in a bag, and was refolved to aftli& him for them. lob miftook peccatifed fidet his owi>' condition , and the mind of God towards him in forre Dees things as well as his friends did. God kad not fealed up his good Dei con. , ftium non fa- tranfgrellions in a bag , but he had call them behind his back. oisinteligebst God did not affix him for the punifhment of his fin, but for fob. Druf. the proofand exercife of his graces , as hath been (Hewed all a- long. The holiefl man on earth is fitbjeff to mfr-conceive the realn whyhefullers, as well as the rule ofwhat he fbould do. ThirdlyObferve, 'That though a gracious heart will not bear the heard cenfures of .ethers about his fins yet he is ready enough to cenfure andaccufe himfelf. lob did as often confeffe his iniquity before God , as he had pleaded his innocency before men. He would not have taken it well at the hands of his friends, if they had told him that God had filled a bag with his tranfgreflions , and that God had fealed it up againft a day of account, yet thus he (peaks of him- felf. As his faith appeared little while he thought that God had fealed up his tranfgreflions, fo his humility and felf-abafement ap- peared very great in this acknowledgement of his tranfgref-, lion. Further, lob imploies three words in there two verles about u, eta pee- the fame thing , the acknowledgement ofhis fïnfulneflè , I. Sin, z. Tranfgre(íion. 3. Iniquity. There are taken fometimes pro- nounsex igno- rantiamet r eo mifcuoully , as was (hewed chap. i 3. 23. here we maygive them firmitate. a diflint fenfe. 1W17 eiJ Ia The, Firft lignifies properly a failing through ignorance or in.: eft diftttio 3u- firmity a flopping out of the way betides our intention , (pol fit injuti , fibly) againft our full refolution. ytn. quando The lecond lignifies a diffent from, or dillike of that which is peccatuna fo ex juft and right. dedegnatiene parendi vel ex The third imports rebellion, and prevarication, when we amorelicencia. finne (corning obedience, or judging it a thing below us. One Aubulf.Cotafe. of the Antients confeffès of himfeif, that when he was (in his youth)