Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. 14. vin Expofition upon the Tookof J O B. Vert youth) admonilhed by his mother to take heedof finful ways, and towalk with God , he wasafliamed to follow her.counfel This is rebellion indeéd , and the height of iniquity ; it is bad e- nough to do ill but it is worfe to be dimmed to dogood, wort} of all to be aihamed to leave offdoingevil. Yob chargeth himfelf with fin, tranfgrefïon and iniquity, not with all of them in their full extent and aggravations, but with all of them in their kind. Hence Obferve, That a godlyman is Mica to all fins, even the worff ofans, Not only to (ins of infirmity but of prevarication, not only to fins of ignorance, but to fins againfi knowledge : he may fin, not only becaufe hecannot difcern the rule clearly, but even againfi a clear rule. There is no fin but a regenerate man may fall into, ex- cept that fromwhich no mancan beraifed, the fin again(} the ho- ly Ghofi. Now as the bef} difcover fomewhat in themproduìive of the worfi fins, fo God hathdifcovered himfelf ready topardon the wort} of fins : if we commit tranfgrellion, iniquity and ün,he proclaims himfelf, the Godpardoning iniquity, tranfgrefonandfin, yea, his nature is infinitely more ready to pardon,then our nature is to fin.We fhould fear to commit the leaf} fin even a fin of infir- mity, but we need not fear whether God will pardon (for he cer- tainly will) more then fins of infrmity,even the greatef} fins.And though now not only our iniquities and fins but even our leaf} tranfgreffions or fleppings alide are Pealed and fowed up in a bag, yet beleevers (hall fhortly fee all their fins, bag and all thrown into the bottome of the fea, and linking like a talent of lead or a weighty millf}one in thofe mighty waters offree grace and un- defervcd mercies. 0 000 TOB