Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. 14. An Expofrtion upon the Book of JOB. Nerf. 18. 6753 lignifies to wax old and to be removed , that's the Apofile de- fcription of a thing that waxeth old, (Heb.&.. i 3.) that which de- caiethandwaxeth old is ready tova»rifh away ; he fpeaks toa fpi- ritual point , yet from a maxim in nature. So here the rock is removed out ofhis place, is the fame with,. the rock waxeth old, becaufe that wieb waxeth old is ready tobe removed out of his place. From théfe two fimilitudes, Obferve. Firfl, There is no creature fo firong or firm but is fubje$ unto change. The mountains and the rocks change ordinarily by the power of time, howmuch more when God contends with them by art extraordinary power ? The Prophet Nahum fpeaks this in high- eft Rhetorick (chap.t. 4,5 ,6.) he rebubeth the fea, and maketh, it dry. (If any thingkeep water, it is the tea, which is the great- eft veflel prepared on purpofe by God to keep the waters yet God can lade the ocean with the hollow ofhis hand and dry, not only à pond or a river, but the fea. He rebuketh the fea,andma_ Meth it dry,) 'Bafhan languifbethand Carmel, and the flower ofLe- banon languifheth, the mountains quake at him, the hits melt, and the earth is .burnt at his prefence yea the worldand all that dwell therein , then who can Randbefore his indignation and who can abide in the frerceneffeofhis anger ? hisfury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him. This pecce of Nahums pro- phecy is a clear commentary upon the text of job : what can be Paid more and nothing lefle deferves to be laid , either of the inflability of the flrongefl creatures, or of the omnipotency of the God of flrength. He toffeth the hils like tennis-bals , and cracks the rocks like a nutfhel before him the hils melt , and the foundations of the earth are difcovered. The creature wilt change by reafon of its own weakneffe , though God fhouldnot exert or put forth his power againft it. Every mixt body bath. the feed of corruption in it , and therefore mull corrupt natu- rally though God fhould not deflroy it providentially or judi ciarily :. Now if thefecreatures are changeable in thetnfelves, furely when God changeth them they fhall be changed :: all crea. tore flrength muf yeeld to his flrength whole weakneffe is fironger then all creatures ; IfGod fend out a commiflïon againif a mountain , it fats and muff come down , if he bids a rock re move, the rock !hall be removed ifGood fay to the winde, blow away