Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

654 Chap. 14. An Expofi'tion upon the Book of J O 13. Verf. ro. away that mountain,or to a tempeft,blow down that rock,it (hall be done;flormy windes and tempeils go prefently upon his errand and fullfill his word. Faith is.Çatd to remove mountains but it is only upon this account, becaufe if engageth the pgwer ofGod, who alone can doe ir. Secondly Obferve, (which is alto applicabl& to the other fi- militudes.) That the ffrongea creatures reade man a lecture of his weak; neffe, ti hen 7eb would (hew man his frailty, he fends him to the mountains and rocks, which are the molt durable among earthly fubftances : the wweakeR creature is an embleme of mans weaknes, and the Rrongell teacheth him,rhere is no miffing to his lirength. As Solomon tend the fluggard to the pi fnire , laying , confider her ways and be wife,fo we may fay to the ftrong man,to the confident man,to the proud manto all who think theylha11 never be remo- ved go to the mountains, repair to the rocks and bewife , go to the Rones which wear away with water drops, goto the trees which are rooted up by a deluge of waters : go to thefe and learn the vanity and mutabilityof your bell ellatei,We may learn of that which cannot (peak ; things infenfible may-Lreafon the matter with us : they have a voice though not a to.ngve ro tell us what we are For as the invifible things ofgood, to wit his eter- nal power andGodheadarefeen in the things which are made, fo the invifible things of man, even his temporal weakneffe and frailty, are feen in the things which decayliince their making. The power of God is invifible, and fo is much of the weakrueffe of man. The conflitution of the creature makes the former vitble , and the corruption of it makes the latter vifrble. Every thing that man fees remembers him what he is , and what he mull Ihortly be. And becaufe abundance of caution in this point, is no burthen, yob gives further: caution : And as I have opened the former, 4o I lhall now rhefe latter inflances by which he confirms this truth. Verle 19. The waters wear. theHones, thou wafheft away the things thatgrow oat of the daft ofthe earth, and thoat deflroaçft the hopeofmain. In this verle we have`two fimilitudes more together with the áprli-