-60 Chap. 14. ., n expofition upon the Book of J OB. Vert:t 9. ther or following each otherclofe, will carry all before them, and overcome all difficulties. The waters wear the (tones. Thou wafbefl away the things thatgrow out ofthe earth. Thou wafheft] who is that ? the antecedent is God himfelf, Thou (O Lord) wasfhefl away the things, &c. here _job expref- feth the fupream efficient ofall thofe alterations in the creature, who it is that puls dowfl>the mountains that removes the rocks, all there changes are wrought by the power of God , thóuwafh- efl away the things that grow out of the earth , or , thou bringefl a deluge upon them. God brought once an univerfal deluge , which wattled away not only all that grew out of the earth, but all that lived upon the face of the earth. God. hath given mankinde his covenant, and fet his bow in the cloud as a fign of it , that all fief)] (hall not be cut ofany more by the waters ofa feud, neither (ball there anymore be aPima to defiroy the earth, (Gen.9. t t .) yet. G( d hath often lince brought Roads upon particular places and cot ntrys which have deflroied and wathed away that which grows upon the face of the earth, as hearbs, graffe and trees. The word í±rieily taken Ggn'fies only chofe things which grow natnrally out of the earth without the labour ofman without plowing digging, or fowing. So we finde the things that grow 11' ,t germi- out of the earth dtitinguilhed (i Kin.19.23.) This (hall be afign Yta Pag. /pate to thee , thou(halt eat this year fach things as grow of themfelves, etalcentla Va- and the fecond year that whichgroweth of thefame, and the third tab' ßuæ ion- ye Jbstll plant and fct' : The Levitical Law mindes us alto e f itotdet put is of this dalinaion Lcv.2 that which growth of its own ter æ. Cone- C 5) g f prat, accord of thy harvefi thou Jhalt not reap. As theJews were for- bidden to low their field in the year of labile , fo alto toreap that (as a peculiar crop to any one of them) which grewup without their lowing. The (landing corn (if ì.t fland too long) (-heels fomegrains, which fpring upwithout plowing or lowing e This is Paid togrow of its own accord ; yet (I conceive) we need not take it here in fuch a reí}rained fenfe, but ingeneral , for all or every thing that grower') out of the dufl of the earth, whe- ther by or without the labour of the husbandman : áon ivafhefl 'away the things that growout of thedufl of the earth. .Hence Observe, Fíríl, Thefame thingmay he,both a bleffäng andan afíli ion. Things