men. God deflroieth all the hopes of vainmen, and all thevain hopes of any man, fuchhopes as thofe proudmen had after the floud flnll be. deftroied, who faid, go to , let us build us 4 city andtower whofe top may reachuntoheaven, andlettmmakeus a name, left we be Jcatteredabroad upon the face of the earth. (<jen.i 1.4.) God fcatters their hopes, who by worldly power or policy, hope to flcure themfelves againft flattering: a hope to get ourfelvesaname, and fo to fallen ourfelvesupon earthly foundations, as never to be removed , ,lhall furelyberemoved; The Pfalmift diflovered that the inward thoughts of covetous men are, that their houfesjhall continuefor ever, andtheirdwelling places toall generations(Pfal.49.11.) this is their thought aid hope: God deflroieth fuch hopes often , letting their houfesfall to the ground before themfelves fall into the graveor if their outward glory outlive them, yet, their poflerity fliall outlive their glory,. their fons fliall either Wantonly flatter what they havem'iferably gathered, andat laft be eatenup with wants, or the wrath ofGod will flatter what the father gathered, and the ■ fon hath minde enough to keep. And asGod deftroies the hope of covetous men, that their riches fhall abide,.fo the hopeof voluptuous men, that their pleafures fhall be renewed; fuch a hope the Prophet Ifaiah defcribes, the idle, idol (hepheards full of(Ifa,$6.1z-J when they fay, comeye, andl willfetch wine, andwewill fill our felves with ftrong drink , andto morrow (hall be as this day andmuchmoreabundant- The hoped for cup lhall be pulled from their mouths, who do not drink for thirft , but third for a drinking. Further , God deflroieth all their hopes who hope inthearm offlefia.' The Jews thought Egypt helpenough againft all enemies, even while they negleded to keep Sod their,friend. But fee how the Propheet reproves them or befools themfor it: Why gaddesl thouabout fomuchtochange thy way Z. As if. he had faid, .When ohoWorldlymeans fails thee , tijyrefort is to another: if Afjyria help thee not, thou art confident that Egypt m\\', but ihoU (halt be afimned of Egypt afjhou waft afiiamed of syEffyria. That is , thefe hopes fliall fail thee, and thy expectations, they fhall be' fruftrate in the one as*well as in the other. For God hath,refilled thy^confidences , andthqu (halt not projber in them, fjer.2, 3d,37.yThuyGo.ddeflroieth the.hope ofvainmen, and not.only fo, but He Chap. 14, An Expofition upon the “Seek, ofJOB. Verf. 19. f 6$g PPPP >