Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. 14. .An 6xpoftion upon the Book, of J OB. Verf. 2.0. 66a Thou prevailedt for ever againfi him, and hepaffeth. Thou prevaileft] The word is , thou waxeft ilrong upon gpri: laina , or , thou art fironger then he : all prevailing proceedspravatehia ei froth greater flrength , either of body or minde : equality makes Mont farrier no conquef}. And though (as Hannah rings i Salmi. 9.) by et f#i, Pain:. ftrength (hall no nian prevail, yet the firengthofGod will pre- vail. The reafon why no man prevails by firength , is, becaufe God alone bath more firength then all men put together and becaufe he hath , therefore he can prevail by his own ilrrngth: over man, and that for ever. Thouprevaileft for ever againft him. The word which we tranflate for ever, lignifies allo in the riv) verb toprevail, to triumph, or to overcome, thou waxef} firong triump hare over him triumphingly and viaorioufly or_, thou triumphefi aut vincere i- over him , and thou ]halt alwaies triumph over him. A triumph dewfa' quad a-, is the rignal ofperfeet viaory, and where victory is perfect, it tr7utd adísxerrta is viElor for ever : God prevails fo over man that he may tri- f y p Y triumphancèr umph, and therefore he is rightly faid'to prevail triumphantly, perducere, or to prevail for ever. Thou prevaileft for ever , which may be underflood two waies. Firth That, man is foprevailed upon, that, he cannot repair himfeifagain. If God break down, man cannot build up, and if he wound, man cannot heal : both breach and wound muff continue for ever, unleffe the fame hand that made themmake them up again. Secondly That , howoften foever God taketh man inhand, .. he is fure to carry the day againf} him , he prevàileth fer ever. God is alwaies armed with fufficient firength to fubdue all firength unto himfelf. Nor can we furprize God or come upon him , before he bath drawn out his ftrength and made it ready. - He mull be a perpetual ViEìÒr or Triumpher who bath alwaies ftrength enough to get the Viflory, and whofe firength is al- waies ready enough to go to battle. There was never any man alwaies a conquerour, but God is. Men have been mighty çon. querors , and havF had conquerour jufily affixed to their titles, yet not one of thefe was alwaies a conquerour, the bell of men have been fometimes worfed, or could nor prevail Only God ;prß°.