Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

Chap. '4. An expof:tion upon the Rook of J O B. Vert. zo. 663 Firft, Some underhand it of the habit of a dying or dead Nitidum &' man: Death brings a change upon the whole man efpecially. `'`vidum vul- tam ea lrt- upon the face or countenance : both the beauty and the feature do Cy of the Pace change,at the appearance of death : fairneffe is thencommtatat, turned into paleneffe, fweetneffe into fwarthynefie. The no- mere. finis are fbarp , the eyes hollow the ears are ihrunk and the jaws fallen : the dead man looks not like himfelf not like the man he was , when he was healthy and alive. Ptiylitians give rnmorte totca us the defcription of that change , and teach us to fpell the let faciesredditur, rers , and reade the chara.`}ers of death printed upon the face. Jibi contraria. Death fends its image as a harbinger to take upevery room of our 4curus enim ot bodies before it felf comes to lodge in our bodies. Standers `tn;J tenpalii. by may fee death in their lick friends long before their lick 'colrpfá acres friends feel ir. contrail &c. Hence Obferve, .nt Acct. Hipp, . `.Death dcfaceth the beauty and loth blafi the caanch.neffe of 1kb. prune, . swan. Howmuch foever any glory in the beams ofbeauty now, lick- nefewill fbortly eclipfe and death will totally darken it. Spiritual beauty will never change, but for the better: the countenance of the foul adorned with grace changeth intoglory when a be- leever dies : Soul- beauty will be more beautiful , and attain its , full perfe ion; when bodily beauty is none at all,but is turned in- to corruption : when the frame-of nature is ruined in us,the frame. of grace (hall be compleated in us ; And we (hall he all glori- ous within when there is no glory left without. Thou changefl. his countenance. Secondly, This change of the countenance, is expounded not' for that-inflantaneous change, which death brings into the body, or not for that only, but for that continual change which man __ A'talla non- is fubjef} to in his body while he lives : the countenance is put dies formof:lpo- for the whole outward man. Death is our molt co,poris change , but it is not all our :change : Every day carries away in 1-1. force fpoils of beauty and firength from. the firongeli and moll: t ft'iget ire beautiful.body. Noday looketh upon us or we upon itwith rhe.fen fjr, ,,,elius fame face. omnino hanc Thirdly, Others take the countenance more largely,not for theJtcteminterprr face or whole bodyonly,but for the whole flare ofa man : it is u- tari po, fumus fual to apply the wordface or countenance to all changes : we fayg`neralem fua- y.rum"ruin' a -.there is a new faceofrhingr, or of affairs, when affairs whether aunt. Bold, Fed.