.664 Chap. i 4. .An E:xpofition upon the Book of JOB. Verf. z o. perfonal or publick are muc4t changed. As if he had Paid , Thou change.tt his whole flute and fende3l him away : becaufe all changes appear in the face, therefore inwhatfoever our change is, 'tis fain ourface ischanged. Man hath one face in riches, and another in poverty, one in honour , another in difgrace The copyof a mans countenance changeth , not only as his body , but as his condition andrela- tionschange. You may fee how it iswith us in our faces : For, as our conditional countenance changeth fo doth our perfonal. 'rwas thetiyed at-the fecond verle of this chapter, that man conti.. nueth not in any condition alwaies the fame : his nattaral, his civil, his fpiritual eflate , are liable unto changes : what they are, I refer the Reader back to the verle mentioned ; Thou change) his countenance, eAndfendefl -him away. fblegas eum He laid before , he paffeth away : here he varies -the phrafe, hint non red,- thou fendeft him away, that is , he dieth , there's the end ofall. turum , vCeiny Man hath many changes while he lives , and (portly he múí} ext72fdis v a- rnnndas euna change from life todeath : the manner of expreflìng it is confa- ex hoc fecalo derable. . nrorfus. Merc. Thou fendeft him away. Man dieth bydifpatch from God , God fends him a writ to die, Thou fendeft him away. Death is mans difmiflion out of the world. Theword imports a fpecial direilion, When Adam had finned the Lord Godfont himforth from the garden ofEden, to till the froni whencehe was taken,(Gen 3.23.) He bidAdam be gone oui of the garden , and he bids the fons of madambe gone out of the world. Old Simeon laid, now let thy fervant de- part in peace, give me my difnifon or my writ of cafe. God fends wicked men away whether they will or no : saints would be fent away and depart with leave. Wicked men are put out of the world , as the leprous perfón was put out of the camp of yfrael, left he fhould infect others. Godly men are fent out of the world , when they have done the errand they came about for the good of others. Thou fendeft him away. Verle