Chap. 14. An Expoftion upon the Book óf JOB. Verf. 52. 665 Verfe 21. His fons come to honour andhe knows itnot , they are brought low andheperceiveth it not. His font come to honour. Some refer it to number , his fons are multiplied , others to Cunz muttsfue- riches , hisfans get wealth, we togreatnefffe hisfans come to ho- riot tlii eius nefcrt fin nrs- near. $ome are born to honour, and others come to it:, fume tern paint fTe-. receive it from their parents , others get it by their atchieve- fiat ignorat, meats, it runs to force in their bloud , others rife to it by their Sept. vertue and worth , by their parts and abilities i 'Tis betterto get "laZ pondus honour then to have honour, and to make our felves honoura- 5"graviratern. hie , then to be made honourable. It iseaLe to inherit honour ht "` henorcena divitiaf, &Ca but it is hard to attain honour. Hisfans come to honour, denotat, e4nd he knows it not. An aft of knowledge is often put for an all of the affeftion we are faid not only not to know that which we are ignorant of, but that which we are regardlefl'e of r fo here,he knows not when his fons come to honour, that is, he is not affeeted with it ; U- fually a parent knows nothing more, then the preferment of his children and he feldom ftudies any point more. Sob de- fcribes a father ignorant or infenfible ofhis Ions preferment. And as he knows not the good whichhis fons come to, fo riot the evil which comes uponhis fons, as he tels us in the next words. Andthey are brought low, or diminifhed. They are diminifhed in number, but few are left : or, they arc made low and poor in slate, there is but little left to them. .4ndheperceiveth it not. That is, he is not grieved at it; But who is this infenfible ig; norant father ? or what is it that renders him thus ignorant and infenfible ofall the providences of God , whether good or bad tohis own bowels Someexpound both claufes of adead father thou fendefl him away , he dies, and then hisfons come to honour, and heknoweth it not, &c. A dead man hath no knowledge at all ofwhat is done among the living They that are out of the world perceive not what is done in the world, no not with thofe that are nearefl Q qq an4