Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

The Table. mans life fixed anddeterminedby god, p.582. This life mull be reck nedfor, p.594. It is a mer- cy to be taken out ofthis life, be- fore- great troubles come, upon the tlaues where we live, p.668. Light, They who abufe light lust be deprivedofit, p.356. Lips, er2man oflips,who, p,7. t,,fwife man loath a lock andkej at his lips, p.35. Opening the lips what it implyeth, p.35,36. Loffe, The petnijhment of Joffe opened, p. 463,464. Now we may be faid to lofe that which we never had, f).46)466. from god, ibid. Noon-"day imports two things in Scripttire, p.138. M O ®L D age, Threedegrees of old age among the f- ws,. p. 22.8. Old men, whyfeìppofedfull of, wifdome,p,228.Ie is theirditty-to be wife, p.229. It is afadfight to fee an old man ignorant, p.230. Old men are to be honouredand their coonfel re.Iftiled, p. 23o, 231. Omniprefence ofGod, p.66. P Agiflrates are the heads of thepeople, which im- ports both their dignity and their duty, P.329. Meditation turns the promifes ofGod into marrow, P.227. Minchsh , the offerings ofthe Pews, whyfo called, p.32í. Mocking the higheFi flep of finning, p. 16. 7o be mocks ef e- cially in afiltion is a great af- fliElion, p.175. Mocks makedeep wounds, ibid. N Ame,'Agoodname agreat blefng, p. 122. Nations fisbjeït to change as well as perfens, p.322.1 .41l the changes in nations are Ardoned fins may be prefer- I tea to thejoist as unpardoned, p.536, Parents fhould not take immo- derate care topreferre their chil- dren, why p.667, 668. Parents fick_and dying inindleffi either ofthe comforts orfarrows of their children, p,769,77ó. Petitioning, It is a great ho- nour to be petitioned and fued unto, p.15 I . Pharifees, whence fo called, two reafons ofit, p.103 Phylitians of twoforts,p.358. who is a phylitian of no value, p.359Four things make phyli- tian ofno value; p. 360. Pouring out ofany thingnotes aGtsndancea p.301. Pre