Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

The Table. Preparation of the heart con- fifls intro things, P.91, 98. God only can prepare tho heart , yet man is to be exhorted toprepare his ownheart , andwhy, p.1 oa. Preparation of the heart will be feenat thefingers ends, p.I1 t. Prayer , The whole manmull be exercifed in it. p.108. Prayer hindred three wayes by uneven walking, p.321. Prayer of the Saints very powerful!, p.155. Prayer(hall be anfwered, r.-.79. It is dangerous to wrong them who tango to God in pray- er, p.1 8e. Prayer to Saints de- parted vain as well as fnful , p. 669. Pride, Men are ufually proud of three things p. 41 3. Pride arifethfrom ignorance ofwhat we are, p. 416. Pride flops the ear againfl counfel, p.417. Prince and Prieff cxpreffid by one word in the Hebrew, three reafons ofit, p.285. Princes mofl fallible ofdifboncur andcontempt, P.302. Principles, Some eafîe, p.173. It is a Jhame not to know common principles, ibid. Profperity ofgood men a tor- ture to evil ten, P.' 55. Providence of God orders all things, and is profnt witloall.fe- condcarafes, p.67. Providence andprefervation follow creation, p.218. God leads a'l people efpecially his own by a hand of pro` idence, p.321,3 a i. Provoking god, more then fin- ning, p.2oo. Punifhment, God will punitli impenitent firmer, feverely p. 393. Punilhment of leffe the greateft punifhment, p.4.63. Purity of do trine what it im- ports, p.27. R RAin at the command of God, P.245. Reafon , Bare reafon as far fromgraceasfente isfrom reafon p.89. Religion, the two chiefbeads ofit, which, p.30. Remembrance of evil which !hall never return to hurt as, comforts us , p. 13f. To re- member a man , is to doe him good , -p. 62 t , 622. Gods re- membrance of his people im- plies all good to his people, p.621, 622. Repentance, a brief platform ofit in three things, p. JIG. Repeated adls though finall producegreat effcb s, p655 Repetitions with a negative, how ufedin Scrip,:ure, p.336. Reproofs of twofarts, P.390. How god reproves frnners, p. 390, 391 Reftitution of:what is ill got- ten, neceary, p. it 3. RerurreEìion how great a change. p.63o. It will be as anew birth-day to mankinde .ibìd. Hopes