Chap. TX. An'E'xpofition upon the Book of f C) B, Verf. g, 6 bed to the fea , as longitude or length pinto the earth. The Pfal- mift in his meditations upon theworks ofGod, calls it, The great andwide fea, Pfal.io4. 25. Breadth is afcribed to the fea, becaufe of its huge e:ctenfion. The fea is a lower firmament : and as`the upper firmament is called in the Hebrew, A thingflretehedorat,or 1ireadforth. The upper firmament is one expanfion; fo allo is this rower firmament; the lea. The fea puts out long alms , and thence: it is denominated broad. The breadthof a man is meafu, red by his arms ftretched" forth , as his length is meafured from head to foot : Thus the fea flretching, forth its mighty arms to imbrace the earth (We commonly call them, The arms of thefear carries away the name from all other creatures for latitude or breadth. There is nothingcounted fo wide and rpomrhy as the lea. Such (and how much more nomall'sknows) is the wifdom and knowledgeof God. Here are four very different dimenfions met together ,-height and depth , length and breadth yet they all minde and fpeak the fame thing, 7hat the wi(dome of God is infinite ; higher then all na- tural height , and deeper then allnatural depth ; broader then all natural breadth , and longer then all natural length. The Apaftle (peakingof the love of God in Chrift (Ephef.3. 18.) a- fcribeth thefe four dimenfions to it with which Zophar here a- dorns the wifdom of God , That you may beable tocomprehend with all Saints, what is the breadthand length, anddepth and height; and to know the love of Chrifl which paffeth.k.nowledge. Many wits run riot in Geometrical notions about thefe mural dimenfions. And whereas Naturalifls give us but three dimenfions ofa body, longitude, latitude and profundity; the love and wifdome of God have altitude added which is a fourth. But all thefe dim.en- fions ferve only to thew the immenfity both of the love and wif= dom ofGod. Hence obferve, Firfl, Mans inability tored. the perfeelion ofcreatures fhoud convincehimofhis utter inability to reach Godin his perfeCion. For when Zophar affirms the wifdomof Godhigher thenhea- ven , deeper then hell, cc. He by a Iefer impolfiibility would convince a greater. Thou cavil not finde out the height of hea- ven , nor thedepth of hell thou canfl not take the perfe(t length of the earth , nor the breadth of the fea , therefore much leffeart thou able to take the height anddepth , the length and breadth x of