"A Chap, t r. An äxpofìtion upon the Book, of JOB. Verf.a o. pothercourfe to paffe away as well as to cut off and deftroy4 That which is cut off is changed , and that which is deftroied paf feth away. We have an elegant gradation (Ifa. 8. 8.) and this wordmakes the firil flepof it, He(hall pale thorow7udah,he(hall overflow andgo over , he(hall reach even to theneck; and theßretch- ingout ofhis wings (hull fill the breadth ofthy Land, O Immanuel. He(hall paf1J thorow,, that is the King of Afgria , who is com- pared to a mighty rivercovering all its . changes, and over- flowing all its banks., He (hall paffe thorow the Land like a violent tor- rent, he that'll deftroyand cut offmuchpeople in Immanuels land, that is, in Chrifls land, who is Godwithus ; Yet he will not fufftr his people to be utterly cut off. The enemy who once afirociated and prevailed , (hall affociate and be broken , For godis with us, verf. t A. ")a inelxdrre.. And flout up. The word is taken two wayes Sometimes tin a good fenfe, fo, If hePhut up is, if he fecure any from danger hiding them in his own pavilion ofgroteaion , Deut. 32...3 6. The Lord(hall repent himfelffor hisfervants , when hefetch that theirpower isgone, and there is noneflout up or left : that is, Whenhe /hall feethat none are out of the power, of the enemy, none thut up in the City, none guarded and kept fat fromdanger, but all doors and places lying open to the.deftroyer , then god repents himfelffor hisfervants, that is , he changes his courfe (thotugh not his decree) and ha- hens to the .refcue ofhispeople thus expofed to trouble on every fide. Again, Theword is taken in an ill fence, fo, If heflout up, is, if he reftrain mercy and expofe tomifery (Deist. 32. 3o.) How fhould'one chafea.thóufand , and twoput ten thoufandtoflight,except their rockhadfold them, andtheLordhadflout themup ? How flout them up ? As into a prifon or under durance : except the Lord had delivered them as prifoners into their enemies hands, they had never come into their hands. The people ofGod are cornpafled about with fuck priviledges that they cannever be overcome by man , till God with-draws hisfafe-conduit , and gives them to the robbers,and to the fpoilers , Till their rocsfells them , andtheir ,god(huts them up. It is an allufion to flrong Cities or Forts,which are fo built and man'd , fo victualed and provided with ammuniti- on, that it is impoflible to take them in by afrault or fiege, un- leire