Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v4

'To theReader. And as thisBeok is there authoritatively citedby the A poftle Paul , fodivers fentences and branchesofit are bran,- planted and,engrafted by the penmenofether Scriptures into the body o f thofe scriptures which God appointedand called them topen : The 5 verfe ofthe8. Pfanta, and the 3 verfe ofthe 144. Pfalm, Lord, what is manthat thou takeft knowledge of him , or the fonof man that thoumakefl account ofhim arefully the fame in fence and near the fame in the letter with that of job in his y chapter at the ay verfe : And the comparifon of a {hadow , (Pfal. a44..ß}.) Teems to be tranfcribed from the words ofBildad, chap.8. verf. 8. T/'at.alfoofthe 107Pfalm, 'r. 4. Ike powreth contempt upon Princes , and caufeth then to wander in a wilderneíte where there is no way>fellfirfl from the mouthofIob, chap. iz. verf.zz. 24. And.the veordo o f tke foartyfecond vcrfe in the fame Pfalm , The righteous !hall fee it and rejoice, and iniquity than flop her mouth, were ¡ oken byEliphaz. in Job 506. and z. r9. The like obfervations may be wade between Lev. z6: 5. and Iob. a r. 19, between Dent. 1o. 17. and Iob. 34. t9. between Pfal. 7. z 5. and Ifa. 59.15. comparedwith Iob. i 5. 3 5. Now,as the calling out offorce one fentence ofthis Bookfor a Scripture proof, fo thefrequent mixing ofthe language andphrafeofit in the Scripture , is a convincing argument that the whole Book is ofGod. Tut doth not Iòb charge hisfriends as forgers of lies chap. a 3.q..ifthey werefo indeed,hore can we meet their dif, " eurfes for divine truths? For no lie is of thetruth a Ioh. 2.z z . If theywere not, how can we alert the difcourfi.oflob for truth, who was thus mlaken ? Ianfiver. Firft, Cob fpakcrather pafonstely then pofitively. secondly , The lies he charged themwith,zere not eerone- ous afertions againft the truth, but unkind afperfions (flow- in m a zealfor God.) upon his perfon. iirdly, lob doth not charge bis friends with liesfirillly A z taken,