Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

98 Chap.i5. AnExpofitionupon the Bnokof J_OB. Verf..2r® the wort fenfe, and moli difadvantageous con(iruc` ion to his reputation ;, fo he that hath a prejudice againffhimfeif, con- firm all that he either hears or fees againif his own peace Hence it is that he doth not onely flee when he is purfued,but when none purfue ( Prov.2S. r.) The wicked flies whennone purfueth (except his own fears ) but the righteous it as bold as a Lyon : This terror was threatned in the old Law ( Levit. 26,36.) They that are left alive, ofyou in the time ofyour Capti- vity,/ willfendfaintingin their hearts,in the La-ndof their Ene- my, andthe found ofafhaking leaf(hall chafe them ; what poor fpirits have they who are chafed by the motion ofa leaf? The tòund of leafe is a pleafant found, it is a kind of natural mu- fick. Fear doth not only make the heart move, As the trees of the Farrell are moved with the wind (Ifa, 7. ) but it makes the heart move, if the wind do but move the Trees of the, For- ref/. The Prophet Ifaiah tells jerufalem , Thyflainmen are not flain with the Sword, not dead in Battei, (Ifa. 22.) With what then are they [lain ? And how died they ? A learned In- Hammer tut terpreter tells us how : They wereHain with fear , and died, nonexpetfoto with a found of Battel before ever they joyned Bartel. This adventu hoflù, anfwereth the judgment denounced, by Cafes in another wiuttransfaf. place ( Deut,28.65.) The Lordfhallgive thee therea trembling Ii examinantur heart, andfailingofeyes, andTorrow ofmind , and thy life fhall etu, fun, bang indoubt before thee, and tho:Ifháltfear day and night , and fbalt have no affurance ofthy, life. But here fome may objet} , Is this the poxtiooof wicked men ? Doth a dreadful found in their ears affliá their hearts)' Have not many fuch, much peace ? And do they not either fmile or wonder to hear others complaining ofan afflifted fpi- rit, and beg prayers for theappealing oftheir troubled confci- ence ? whichare matters they have no acquaintance with nor knowledgeof, I anfwer, Firif,Wearenottounderhand. the propoftion,-asif all wicked men have, or that any wicked man at all times, hath this dreadful found in his care; but thus it is veryoften ; and thus it may, beall ways; thus it is withmany, and-thusit may be with all wicked men. A wicked!man hath( as we lay)no fence for it, no priviledge nor.promife to fecttre him from it. Againj