Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap `i 5 ;Az ï ., E .xpöftion up on the Book o f , J.4 B. rlerf: a3 , 1 1 5 5 fears that all will be fuddcnly'fpent , and Paying in his heart, This will`nót holdout, i (hzft never be able to bring- the.year u bout, or bring (As we fay') both ends together. Hence his cares ateeñdiers and he grudges hiinCelf- ordinary comforts ; his worldly forrow confumcs him, and,he,is willing to die , onely to lave charges : That man is in an ill cafe , who is grudged what he eats or fpends byof hers, but it is far worfe f r a man to grudge himfelf his neceffrry expences. Some worldly men , whole Barns are full, are ready to fay _very one to his o`svii foul, as he -Luke i2.19. )Soul take thine cafe, thou haft good's laid up for manyyears a Another bath his `Barn ful, and yet he faith, This will not hold one year , and fò gives his Soul no cafeat all. What the Apoftle faith of hímf If , is' trueof all thole who have an interefl in Chrift, Car, ö.) A r poor , yet makingmany rich as hazing no- thirtg',,yet poffetlig all things : '$ót 'there are forne rich, who make many poor , and themfelves pooreil of all ; for though they have all thofe things yct they areas if theypoffcffed no- thing. It is an afflióiodfhe' ispoor -for want of riches, but it is a curie to be poor in tliépoffcfíion of riches, He that loves °sïYecÇ$iáll not be. f tis;ted vzth(flyer ( Ede of:ä ). To be faitis fied '. is more than tobe rich ', and to be alwayes poor who is unfatisfied ,'he that expeets fatisfaCion from the cr-ea- turc fall never finde Conte dStation ii the Creature and-he that expeCfs no fatisfa6tion`frotn `the Creature , bath conten- tation in any portion of the Creature. A Godly man>le-arns in every eflate to be content , a carnal man is content in no efface ; when he is poor, he feès'lic bath nothing, and when he is rich, he faith he bath not `enough. Thus he wandersas well when he is rich, as when he is pcior,' and is therefore ne ver fatisfiéd. Again ''' ' He wanders about for broad , Where ? Or laying iilFber + it ? Hence ,Oheave.. ¢;min that is not` uncertain *hereto receive any.g od :. Where isit`? Thoú h .4 believer, want bread yeet he°kñows whither to go -for it, and 'where it is' tdbe had. The eárth'ss 0A71`.'-,= the Lards, an¢ thefiálnef thereof ,. he goes to Heavennfor bread its xrell äsfor Grace; he ki ows-thete is bread :in theprotnife ; and Q2 tO