Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

a s6" Chap.s 5 An Expofitionupon ,tbe Book of j;.O B. Verf,23. ß--®., to the promife hegoes. Thepromife bath all things both concerning life, and gocllinefs. Chrift who is the bread of life, gives us bread for this life ; and having Chrift, with him, we have all things elfe ; Bread and Cloathing , Gold and Silver, are laid up in Chrif. AnUnbeliever (ashath been (hewed) hath nothing to do with promifes, nor with Chrifl the fulfiller of prom fifes , and therefore he is ever indoubt , when he is in want ; and faith, Where is it ? He knows not whither to go nor to whom for the fupply of his wants. A.wicked man is never in his way, and, in one fence , he is never out of his way. They may goe any where , who know not whither to ggó. Theyare never out of their way, who have no home. Lati, Weft, North, or South, it is all one to them; which way the Sta.fffalls,theey go, they have no rule nor line tq go by ; but though a wicked man know not his particular way, yet he often knows his ge- neral end, and that is mifery, as the next words tell us. He knows the dayof darknefs is ready at hand. At the 22 Verte , Hebelieves not that he fhall return out:of darknefs, that is ( as wasopened) in cafe he falls into evil he thinkshe fhali never get out of it ; he hath no faith that he (hallrecover out oftrouble , but he hath a thongffaith, that he (hall fall into,trouble , .He knows that the day ofdark nefekreadyit band. Here are three things tobe cleared. Firtt, what is meant by kninvin . Secondly, What by tl e,dayof darknefs, Thirdly, What,by being ready, at hand: To know , is here oppöfed to an uncertain guets , or to Nouninfeipfo conjec` ure ; to know is as much as to be fully perfwaded , to quadmanor in know, is to be affured ; the.highef ad offaith is often expref- ruinam. fed by knowledge.' Herebyweknow that we knowhim (r rob. Cerro fibsper- 2; ,)that is hereby we are affured that we know him fo here, .,ujrdie re (quo He knows, that is,ke is affured , it is fetlei Upon" his fpirit, faiumexfui that.tbe day.ofdarknefr is ready `at hand. This kndWledgri- cord: fenfu ,feth,not from reports abroad , but ,frötia his own 6real ;," fo fads. the Septuagint tranflates , He knows in bimielf that mill Pali be upon bim ; As zGbdly man bath awitnefs for .him