Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.' 5. An Expofitionupon the Book of J OB. Verf.23. 117 in himfelf, fo a wicked man bath a witnefs again(i him in himfelf. What the day of darknefs is, learn upon the former Verle, He believeth not that he (hall return out of darknefs ; there I (hewed a fivefold darknefs, , here ¡ (hall reduce it to one of thefe two. The dayof darknefs is either the day of death , or theday of af$i&ion ; fo 'tis taken (Ecclef 5. 17. ) All his days be eateth in darknefs s that is., he is in forrow all his days Though he hathSun light, or Candle light enough at his Ta- ble, yet he hathno light in his heart. So the Prophet Amos (S.2o.) Shall not the dayof the Lordbe darknefs, and not light ? even very dark, and no brightnefs in it ? There is a day of Lord which is nothing but light , and there is a day o f the Lord which is nothing but darknefs , that is, of tribulation and anguifh upon the Soul that Sins. The Prophet Joel falls it, A day ofdarknefs, and of gloominefs , aday of clouds and of tbiekdarknefs. He knows that the day of darknefs is, Ready at hand. '1as The word which we tranflate ready, fignifies two things. Paarurs, fir. Firfi, That which is prepared. mares labilenr, Secondly, That which is efiabli(hed, or confirmed. noé0t Jlefde. We tranflate to the former , the day is ready or prepared ; others render to the latter fenfe , the day is e(iabii(hed and fetled; his day of darknefs (ball certainly come upon him. And whereas we tranfiate Ready at band, noting the nearnefs of urina the danger. Others, to note the caufe of the danger , render, máñuaiiaper He knows that his own band bath made a day of darknefs ; that lr eretvfderur is, The villanies and wickedneffes which he hath committed, ;f oirmar um caufe the clouds of judgment to gather, and look black up- (cetera, per on him , his unrighteoufnefs hath hafined on his ruine,and p ério lnfse wrapt him up in darknefs , He bath brought an evil day upon n:ene Seit himfelf , by his evil deeds ; or as the Prophet (peaks , Hit de- quad Nelda. failli ftruilion it from himfelf ; He hath pulled down his houfe with Para ericulofa ten his own hands , and is the foie author or contriver of his acrege. own forrows. This is an experienced truth ; but I rather take thewords aswe render, he day of darknefs is ready at hand ; that is, it is near, and wi11(hortly feite upon him. Hence