Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chaps 5: An Expof'tionupon the Book of J OB. Ver,25, 125 as aKing to guide them : (hall be forced to fubmit to the curie of the Law, as a King to punifh them, CHAP. 15. Vert 25,26. For heftretcbed out his band againft God, and ftrengthenedhim- felfagainft the Almighty. He runneth upon him, even on his neck; upon the thick boffes of his bucklers, ELiphaz having explained much of the inward punifhment of wicked men, the torture which they endure uponthe rack of confcience , as allo fome of their oú tward punifh m nts, he fubjoyns the reafon of both, their fin, in thefe two Verles, and that not an ordinary fin, buta fincommitted with a high hand. Verf. 25 Hefretcheth out his hand againft God. And is it any wonder then that God should fl retch out his hand againft him? every fin deferves punithment, and (hall be punifhed either upon the finner, or upon his Surety ; but ex= traordinary fins call for extraordinary punithments : They . who have done much evil, (hall endure much. Juftice hath an eye to the quantity , as well as to the quality ofour works ; and that's a work of wickednefs in Folio, or of the largest fize, which is done with a hand1h-etched out : What revenge, is big enough for a fin thus big He ffretcbeth out his band againft God. Here are three things to be opened : Firft, What is meant by the hand ? iaCto u &ei® Secondly, What is meant byftretehing out the hand ? raut fé!i , Thirdly, Howthe handmay be ((retchedout againft God ? dign,(].tnuea The hand may be taken properly, or improperly : Proper- espiicar. ly, for the member ofthe body, which. is fo ufeful and in- pined. ftrumental in all the fervices of this life : and then to ftretch out the hand, mutt be taken in a proper fenfe: for fo wicked men fornetimes do, -they freteh out the hand, of the body ag iut,;