r40 Chap, r 5. An expofttion upon the Book of J O B. Verf26.. vain man, whither wilt thougo ? What wilt thou do next ? The next Verfe tells us. Vert 26. He runs upon him, even on his neck, up?: the thick boffes of his bucklers. This 26.Verfe is an amplification , or aggravation of the madnefs of a wicked man, who, when he hash ftrengthened himfelf againif God (as he thinks and hopes) fufli.iently, then he runs upon him, &c. Elipbaz carrieth on the Metaphor of aBattel, which be- fore it is fought, Armiesare muttered, and drawn up in view of each other.; and then to thew their courage, they ftretch out their hands, drawtheir. Swords, and as loon as the Sig- nal of the Battel is given , by found of Trumpet, beat. of Drum, or difcharge of Canon, they run on one upon ano- ther,; and when the battel comes to the heat and height, they charge home, even upon the necks of one another, and upon the boffes of their bucklers : Here's the defcription of a fierce charge. This wicked one is a Champion for Hell, he chal- lenges the God of Heaven, and runs upon him, 6-c. with ut- "'mitt" molt violence : That's the fum of the words, Lehall now open minuet in Dt- um esteadit, thema little further. ideo currit in turn Dear ad He. runs upen him, even upon his neck coaum f.& in There is a difference among Interpreters about that Ante. denfttaredo - faru>r rrynea. cedent, Come underhand God : As if the meaning were, God rumejur,q d. runneth upon a wicked man, like a thong Warrier, with in- n', layra6m credible fwiftnefs, and irrefittible force, to cast him down. le rnaxime ro.- The wicked manhaving firetchedout his hand, and ttrength- SorJrr. ttab, ned himfelf a aint the Almighty, now the Almighty runs Lev. Vatabl. f3eza. upon his neck, evenupon the thick boles of his Buckler : Come, li7uito aptior faith God, .1 will have a bout with thee, if thou daret(1, I will ell :adefertbo- try it out with thee, 1 am not afraid of thy fliff neck', though nor adfiac ille it bath iron finemos, nor of the thick baff'es ofthy buckler, though impiorumroz,r the be of }eel. till Dean. Pined. ThusTome, both later Writers, and ancient Rabbins, give lnandiram ir,.°' the fence : But I rather conceive (with others) that Eliphaz pii remerita fill profecutes the ftrange progrefs, and heightned wicked- tern quiff. ra p.ofequirur. nefs of man, who having flrengthned himfelf by hardening sold.. his heart againíf .God, run: uponhim, even upon hit-neck, &c. Taking: