Chap.15. An Expofition upon rile ,- ! of J O B. Vert. 2. he utter vain knowledge, who utters falfe Principles which fubvert the faith, or fuperflitious forms which endanger the life and power of godlinefs. Eliphaz fuppofed, that fome- what of vanity in all there notions, was rallied together in- to the difcourfe of yob, that it was light and froathy, that it was erroneous and full of incongruity , efpecially ( which carries all thofe in it) that it was worthiefs and unprofitable to the receiver, as he exprefleth in the third Verfe, Should he reafon with unprofitable talk? Shoulda wife man utter vain knowledge ? Hence obferve : There it a vanity inforcekindofknowledge,andfolly in that which not afew call mifdom : It hath been the butinefs of fome mens knowledge, to find out a vanity in all forts of knowledge. Eliphaz fpakewell for the matter, though ill to the man. Job did not utter vain knowledge, but, we know, 'Thei'd)a c.- too many do. The old Gentiles waxed vain in their irnagina. vn jQ fi tiens, their very reafonings were vain , fo the Original word inrsttocanc. tells us: It was not their phanfie, but their undertlanding tionibusfiat. which was vain. The Apotlle cautions the Colofans, Let no T3az, man fpoilyou through Philofophy andvain deceit (Col; 2. 8.) Philofophy in it fell is an excellent knowledge, yet it may be vainly taught, and fo deceive us, as to fpoil us : I may fay alto, let no man fpoil you through Divinity and vain deceit. Divinity, which is in it felt the moll excellent know- ledge, the knowledge of God may be vainly taught, and fo deceive us, as to fpoil us : That knowledge which it belt in it felf, h vaineft to us, when it it unduly or fàlfly uttered. Secondly, Obferve, It is moft uncomelyfor thofe, who either have, or would have thereputationofwifd®m, to fpeakvainly Should a wife man utter vain knowledge? 'Tis'no"wond'er` to hear a vain man (peak vainly, and for a fool toutter folly. Do mengather grapes of thorns, orfigs of chifle!'? The tile perfon willfpeak villany, andhis heart will work iniquity, co pra¿lifehypocrife, andto utter error againft the ,Lord (Ifa.32. 6) If a fool, a vain man, or a vile perfon, fpeak thus, he fpeaks like himfelf; but if a wife, or a good man fpeak thus, he'fpeaks fo unlike himfelf, that the Chaldée Para- phrafe puts not onely an undecenciP, but an itnpoffibility upon