152 Chap.x 5. AnExpofrtion upon the Bookof J OB. VerG28' ly power. He makes flourifhing Cities defolate , and defolate Cities flourith ; he dwells in defolate Cities , in Houfes where noman inhabiteth ; that is, in Cities which he himfelf once made defolate ( having call: out their proper Inhabitants) but hath now re- edified and enlarged for his ownufe and ho- nour. Hence Obferve. Firft, That a wickedman cares not whom be ruines ,fo he may raife himfelf : -Down with K'ngdoms , down with Cities, down with all, fo he may tland, or have his own ends. Secondly Obferve. (Which is the fcope of Elipbaz) Aman that bathgreat pow. cr among men, begins to think himfelffirong enoughfor God alfo He madeearthly Cities defolate, and none was able to refill him, therefore he hopes to make Heaven defolate , anddifturb the throne of God; He runs upon his neck, &c. Again, Some expound this Verfe not of the caufe of this Termer de mans fin , but of the punilhment of his fin ; He dwells in de- quibut =per folate Cities, inplaces where no man dwelt : that is , He hhan flillum ell, non dwell alone, he (hall either refute , or be refufed by all good Pariunrurim- company. For this miferable folitude may afire two ways. piton ari o fn mr lo Firfl From trouble of minde ; he havingoppreffed others, confortio vi- (hall finde himfelf at laft fo oppre(fed with the witnefs of his vere ideode. own confcience , that to avoid it, he retires into defolate folarorumru- places , into walte Wilderneffes, into old ruinous buildings, biumruina quatc f where none dwell but the Owle,andthe Schreech-owl(Ifa.34.) datibula rit. Fined. He that finds not his own confcience good company, never finds arty. Secondly , This wicked man is call out from the company of men , he been a fcourge to many , and now all are a ßujufinodi ty+, fcourge tohim. Tyrannygrows intollerable to mankinde ( Dan. ranni ejiciun, 4.33.)Nebuchadnezzar was the greateft Monarch in the world sus in cwilium. and aproud Tyrant ; at lait he was turned out to grafs : his Nobles, Lords, and Subjects forfook him , and he who ruled men, livedamong Beafts ; or as the fame Prophefie ofDaniel reports it (Chap.5.2o. ) Wnen his heart was liftedup, and his minde,hardned.in prode,he was depofed, or (as the Chaldee)made to come down from his Kingly Throne,and they tookhtsglory from him, and he was drivenfrom thefonsofmen,&c.*hich we may anfwer with Jobs text,He was forced to dwell in defolateplaces. The