Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.' 5. An Expofition upon the Boot of J O B. verf:a. upon it, Can a wife man utter vain knowledge ? It zs impoffiole; a aabtle Men ad according to their principles; every thing is in work 719ne lyf ìng, as it is in being ; if there be wifdom in the heart; it will p, ap hLald, be head at the tongue : A. wholefome fountain will fend out wholefome waters : He that is born of God (faith die A- poltle john, Epiii, 3.9.) cannot fin, though he hath not a natural impotftbility to fin, yet he hath a moral impofübility Spient d to tin, becaufe the feed of God remaineth in him, the frame meanfrraana;fer,.. and bent of his heart is fet another way : Now, as there is a t,.,er proferí moral impoffibility that a godly man should commit fin, fo libra eaa i- thata wife man should fpcak fin, or utter vain knowledge. twos jufltttd,. A with man fpeaks as well as ads, by meafure s he weighs ;n f`fuav °i what he faith, as much as what he doth ; the tongueof the fereionepondm. wife is as a Tree oflife: Grace in the heart bloffoms at the lips, in verbá rno- in favoury words, which noinil ers grace unto the hearers. dus. Arnb.l.r. Should a wife man utter vin knowledge ? Oüic, c. 3. Andfrll his belly with the Eaft wind ? A,. belly full of windy meat is badcnough,a belly full of wind is far worfe : but what is here meant by the belly, what by the Eaß wind ? The belly is put for the heart and afieCtions, together with all the inteileCtual powers of the mind, John 7.3S. Out of Eeitter pro cos_ hii;belly (that is out,.of his whole foul). {hall flow rivers cf d° aarpagine^ Flying water,, This water is the Holy Spirit, the l olÿ Spirit is re -riciu2 igrnetittats cotrlpared alto :to the wind. A wife man fhould :nonrearcipirur define that his heart may; be filled with the fweet gales and inScripturo. holy breathings, of the Spirit of Gad, by heavenly Infpirati- ons : And (hall he fill his heart with the )alt wind of earthly pafliotrs ? The word which we tranflate Lag wind, lignifies onely the =rp ' Eaft; Should he fill his belly with the Eaft; we rightly add the =ß°l¡1.,1i Eafi wired : he compares fobs paffions unto thewind, andun- Pka.Mardoch. to theEati wind ; to the wind, becaufe of the vanity of theta., cbferwt bun: to the Eat wind, becaufe of the hurtfulnefs of them, For, as venrum d > > Gracie appel,a by wind in the former claufe he means worthlefs things lari Ape1 r. fo by Eafi wind in this, he means dangerous things. There quad afate are two reafons why he expreffes fuch inward motions by the fpiretarq; E2fl wind, neat ratione Firft, The E.a wind is a vehement and fir n wind ; we aPPeuùur a coitus rnrot read lanum.