Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

C:hap:5. ° An Expofition upon the Book 'of `) OB. Veri 3. Obfcrve thirdly, He that fills bis own miede withpalouate tbougbts,willfoon fill the ears ofotherswith unprofitable, words; this is clear from that which goeth before,' He utters vain knowledge ; and it is clearer from that which follows after ; when a mans thoughts are like a wind, his words ( which are the fird bornof his thoughts) mullneeds bewindy. A pafíi- onate man fpeaks all in pathion, and fometimes cannot fpeak at all for paflion ; his extream delire to faymuch , flops him from Paying any thing : But whatfoever he faith , is the copy of his prefent fell, fierce and boyflerous. The image andJu. yerreription of our hearts is fiamped upon our words. Some can fpeak better than they are, but ufually men (peak according to What they are, and then efpecially when they are.( which pafíionate men for the moll part are) not themfèlves: Thus it follows in the next!Veri. 9 Verf. 3. Shouldbe reafon with unprofitable talk? Elipbaz fpeaks all Interrogatories; and thefe fpeak him in anger,if not in fomediftemper. Should he do this ? and thould he do that ? do thew that either another hathvery much done, what he fhould not, or that he who reproves him , hath not fuch .a fpirit of rt eeknefs, as a reprover.fhould, Gal. 6. r . The words thew the akaof what he taxed him with be- cum interroga- fore ; . as ifhe had laid , Wouldyou know what to expeel from a bone &/iotuo° pa[onate man , from a man whofe belly isfilled with the.Eafi- rho tegendi wind? You /hall have him fhortly fillingyour ears with an Eafi- funs Lee. wind,even reafoningwith unprofitable words : And ( as thenext mere. claufe gives it,which is only an expoftionofthis;with jpeecbes wherewith he can di nogood.: Some words are greatdçlers, they doe much hurt , or they doe much good and thole words ufually do fome hurt, which can do no good ; yea, that which is weak and unable to doe good, may be t?rong and power- ful to do evil. However , not to doe good is to doe evil , becaufe it is every mans duty, whatfoever he doth, to be do- ing good: Here Eliphax reproves job's .words .ascevil, while he onely faith , they doe no good. And yet he faith form- what more than that,for he faith , They can do no good : It is ill not to doe good atually ,: but not to have a pohìbility of doing good is far worfe. _ When the Apof}lc would fay his %yule